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Headline: The China Mail News 1897-04-24
Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1897-04-24
Professor Maurice Charvet, who arrived by the French mail steamer to Hongkong from Paris to exhibit 'Cinematograph' and the 'Kinetoscope' the twin marvels of the age. These have never been shown in Hongkong or the Far East before. The pictures exhibited are 'Loie Fuller…
Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1897-04-24 - 1897-04-26
The Cinematograph' was the latest and greatest success of London and Paris which will exhibit for a short season. There were five sessions a day, each scheduled for an hour. Admission price one dollar and children at half-price.
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1897-04-24 - 1897-04-26
The Cinematograph' (The latest and greatest success of London and Paris) will exhibit for a short season, commencing Tuesday, the 27th April, 1897, for 5 sections each day. Admission: $1, children half-price.