The opening of the Bijou Scenic Theatre (Flower Street) with the latest London and Paris Pictures under the direction of Mr. Robert Stephenson (lately stage manager, Dallas' and Bandmann's Opera Companies)
Open shortly with a high-class pictorial, dramatic, and musical entertainment under the direction of Mr. Robert Stephenson (lately stage manager, Dallas' and Bandmann's Opera Companies)
Pictorial and musical entertainment on the opening night (16th Novemeber) under the direction of Mr. Robert Stephenson
Mr. R. H. Stephenson, lately connected with the Bandmann's and Dallas Opera Companies and the Warwick Major Company, arrived from the north by the s.s. Arcadia. He is to take charge of the new Bijou Scenic Theatre in Flower Street
The opening date of the Bijou Scenic Theatre in Wellington Street is announced for Wednesday, being deferred for a day out of deference to the Bedford Relief Fund entertainment at the circus. The show is to be run by Mr. R. H. Stephenson. Mr. Stephenson promises a high-class pictorial, dramatic…
The Bijou Scenic Theatre opens tomorrow night.
Pictorial and musical entertainment tonight under the direction of Mr. Robert Stephenson
The 'Window of the World' opens tonight. Mr. Robert Stephenson, lessee and manager of the Bijou Theatre, has provided for his patrons. Pictures of the great and most recent happenings at home and abroad, a cornet solo will be played, and Mr. Stephenson himself, who has had much stage…
The management of the above neat little theatre in Wyndham Street is to be congratulated upon the excellent opening performance given last night. There is a display of anxiety as a rule in many parts of the world to convert a cinematograph show into a variety of performance. We are glad to see…
A large house was present last night in the new Bijou Scenic Theatre in Flower Street. It was formerly the Salon Cinema-Theatre. The pictures thrown on the screen last night were interesting and free from flicker. The film depicting the journey to Taipo on the new railway was particularly…
Complete change of programme and pictures, pictorial and musical entertainment
The Bijou Scenic Theatre's popular entertainment and popular prices are drawing good houses. Mr. Stephenson is certainly enterprising.
A packed house witnessed the performance at the Bijou Theatre on Saturday evening. The films shown by the biorama were exceptionally good, and two especially were about the test we have seen in Hongkong. We refer to 'The Use of the Lasso on the Plains of Celebes' and the 'East of…
The Bijou Scenic Theatre is securing an excellent artiste, who has a reputation for singing.
The pictures at the Bijou Scenic Theatre were very interesting last night, including as they did a large number of views of the recent Volunteer encampment at Customs Pass.
Every night at 7.00 and 9.00 o'clock. Matinees Saturdays and Sundays at 4.00 p.m. World's pictures, Vaudeville performance by Mr. Elliott, Mr. A. Colins and Mr. Stephenson; Price details included
The programme at the above popular hall was entirely changed on Saturday night when a good audience assembled for the nine o'clock performance. The biorama exhibited splendid pictures. Mr. Stephenson, A. Collins, Mr. Elliott's performances were good.
Every night at 7.00 and 9.00 o'clock; matinees on Saturdays and Sundays at 4 p.m. World's pictures, exhibition of club swinging, Mr. A. Collins, cornet soloist Mr. Elliott and Mr. Stephenson, a dramatic humourist. 7 p.m. 50, 30, and 20 cents; 9 p.m. $1.00, 70 and 40 cents; special…
The Bijou Scenic Theatre has been drawing fairly good houses nightly. Audiences enjoy both Mr. Stephenson and Mr. Collins' performances. On the whole the pictures are very good, particularly the one called 'At a Cinematograph Show.' The film is screamingly funny. A special matinee…
A special matinee for children will be given on Saturday, 3rd December, by the Bijou Theatre. An attractive programme has been drawn up which is calculated to appeal to the juvenile taste.