The new pictures at the Bijou tonight at 7.15 and 9.15.
Every evening at 7.15 p.m. and 9.15 p.m., a boom in picture plays; The Conjurer's Triumph - by Max Linder; The Pathe Gayette [sic] - the world's latest news; The Gaumont Graphics -- news from home; 'What Every Mother Does' - by Wiffles; 'Please Take One' - by Nick…
The great sensational drama, 'The Last Performance' is introducing to Hongkong, 'The Platform of Death Feat'; Max Linder as an Artist, Nick Winter and the Banker, All Through the Turkey; performances by Gladys Porter and Dellie Connor; 7.15 p.m. picture only.
7.15 p.m. pictures only but the best; 9.15 p.m. pictures and musical interludes by select artistes; complete change of program on Wednesdays & Saturdays; artists appear at all matinees.
Special attraction tonight, the famous sensational drama (art cinema, coloured, length 8000 feet), 'Won through Waiting'; and also 'A Farm House Romance' by Max Linder, musical interludes by Dellie Connor and Gladys Porter.
Picture: 'The Sisters Steelman, Acrobats'; song by Gladys Porter; picture: Wiffles, The Tenor; song by Dellie Connor; picture: 'An Entente Cordiale' by Max Linder; song by Gladys Porter; picture: 'Her Ladyship's Dog'; song by Dellie Connor; picture: '…
9.15 p.m. tonight, the famous comedy drama 'The Village Postmistress,' length 3,000 feet; 'A Motor Boat Trip' (local yachtsmen are invited to learn marine motoring with Max Linder); vaudeville by Gladys Porter and Dellie Connor; 7.15 p.m. pictures only.
9.15 p.m. Tonight - Special Comic Programme: 'Crossing the Channel'; 'Feminine Tenacity'; 'Obstinate Bootblacks'; 'Wanted a Divorce'; 'The Hair Restorer'; and the fine drama 'A Fickle Maid'; vaudeville by Gladys Porter and Dellie Connor…
9.15 p.m. Tonight - Programme: 'The Inn of Confusion'; 'The Rapids of Kivatch'; 'French Army Maneuvres the Bet' by Max Linder; 'A Human Measure'; duologue, 'Funniosities'; performances by Miss Connor, Mr. Stephen, and Miss Gladys Porter; 7.15 p.m…
9.15 p.m. Tonight - Programme: 'The Rent Day' (comic); 'The Dionnes' (gymnasts); 'Barcelona' (scenic col'd); 'A Ragamuffin's Honour'; 'Blowing up a Mountain'; vaudevilles by Dellie Connor, Glady Porter, and R. H. Stephenson.
9.15 p.m. Tonight - Programme: 'The Emperor's Sentinel' (a fine drama of the great Napoleon); 'The Dandy's Club' (detective drama); 'The Stolen Purse' and 'Jugged Cat' (two rattling comics); 'Ernest Barreau' (the handless man);…
9.15 p.m. Tonight - Never Mind the Weather, See This Programme and Cheer up! Performances by Dolly Swift and Gladys Spencer; all the latest hits, cake-walks, dances, and all new pictures.
9.15 p.m. Tonight: Performances by Gladys Spencer and Dolly Swift; all new pictures: Max's Efforts to Grow, 'The Light House-Keeper's Daughter,' 'The Handless Man,' 'A Sham Wiffles,' and 'Round about Antibes'; artistes at matinees.
9.15 p.m. Tonight: Another complete change of programme: 'The Noble's Privilege' (dramatic), 'Pekin and Environs' (scenic cinema-color), and Three Star Comics ('The Detachable's Man,' 'How to be Lucky,' 'Tommy Marries His Sister');…
9.15 p.m. Tonight: The latest pictures; Performance by Dolly Swift and Gladys Spencer; special attraction on Friday 20th inst. and during Xmas Week 'Taiksi's' original stunt, The Flower-Street Follies.
9.15 p.m. Tonight - Special Programme: New pictures and The Flower-Street Follies; 7.15 pictures only.
The Shepherdess (played by children); current events - Ulster Day in Belfast, Wallace Memorial at Paisley, Great Fire at New Jersey and The Follies in new songs and stunts; Madames Swift, Spencer, Rowley in all new turns; 7.15 pictures only.
Latest news in pictures, London edition of Pathe Gazette and Gaumont Graphic; vaudeville by Dolly Swift, Gladys Spencer, and Ada Rowley.
The world's news in pictures: Portsmouth - launch of the 'Iron Duke,' the World's Greatest Warship; London - the Sculling Championship; Brighton - Unveiling the Memorial to Edward, the Peacemaker; Paris - Fashions, only three weeks old; a fur trimmed gown at Longhcamps Races…
Tonight 9.15, 'War in the Balkans,' the real thing - no fakes; performances by Gladys Spencer, Ada Rowley, and Dolly Swift.