A new Cinematograph exhibition will be opened tonight in Des Voeux Road at the corner of Pottinger Street, a spacious and comfortable saloon has been erected and electrically lighted. Here the 'Victoria Cinematograph' is established and tonight is advertised as the 'grand opening…
The Victoria Cinematograph opens tonight. Splendid and comfortable saloon. Special display of magnificent moving pictures. Two performances: 7 p.m. to 8.45 p.m. and 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.; Price: Box seat $1, first-class $0.7, second-class $0.4.
The new 'Victoria Cinematograph' in Des Voeux Road is drawing crowded houses. Patrons appreciated the arrangement and no doubt they will attract a large house on the new set of pictures showing tonight; The Cinematograph Pathe established at Weismann's Room always has a fine…
The Cinematograph Pathe at Weismann's Rooms drew a good house on Saturday with its new set of pictures; The Victoria Cinematograph, which is established in a new saloon in Des Voeux Road, was well patronised on Saturday night when new pictures were exhibited. It will be opened nightly, two…
The new Victoria Cinematograph is already well established and popular. The films are excellent and varied, and are thoroughly enjoyed. In many ways the management has done their best to deserve patronage, and the practical absence of 'flicker' is a proof that the machine and its…
Splendid and comfortable saloon. Special display of magnificent moving pictures. Two performances: 7 p.m. to 8.45 p.m. and 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.; Price: box seat $1, first-class $0.7, second-class $0.4. New Apparatus and Films for sale, at cheap rates.
On Saturday, a private contest took place in the Victoria Cinematograph, the reason for the display not being in public being the fact that only one day was available to make the arrangements, these being in the capable hands of Prof Billy Bellew. The contestants were McKenna, and Ambridge.
Splendid and comfortable saloon. Special display of magnificent moving pictures, 'The Diamond Mines,' showing in detail the working of the wonderful South African Diamond Mines. Two performances: 7 p.m. to 8.45 p.m. and 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.; Price: box seat $1, first-class $0.7, second-…
At the Victoria Cinematograph saloon at the corner of Des Voeux Road and Pottinger Street a new series of pictures will be shown tonight. The collection came by the last mail, and are the latest produced. They are of the humorous, pathetic, and instructive kind and should be worth visiting.
A lot of audiences watched the fight between Billy Bellew and Taff Childs at Victoria Cinematograph.
New Pictures. Two performances: 7 p.m. to 8.45 p.m. and 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.; Price: box seat $1, first-class $0.7, second-class $0.4. New Apparatus and Films for sale, at cheap rates.
A special cinematograph attraction is promised for tomorrow night at the Theatre Royal, and for one night only, when the great Passion Play will be shown. The booking is in the hands of Messrs Moutrie and Company; The Victoria Cinematograph continues to do good business and a set of new pictures…
The Victoria Cinematograph in Des Voeux Road is going strong with showing entirely new films – a Love Story and Two Orphans being described by the management as particularly beautiful.
Screening of 'A Love Story' in 7 tableaux. Two performances: 7 p.m. to 8.45 p.m. and 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.; Price: box seat $1, first-class $0.7, second-class $0.4. New Apparatus and Films for sale, at cheap rates.
The Victoria Cinematograph advertises special programmes for the Christmas week. On the 24th there will be a matinee at 4:30 p.m. when the children attending will each receive a present of a toy. The pictures exhibited by the firm are splendid in detail and are shown with clearness and…
Matinee on 24th 4.30 p.m. Grand presentation of toys for children. Grand programmes during the Xmas season. New Apparatus and Films for sale, at cheap rates.
The Victoria Cinematograph in Des Voeux Road announces that they have a new series of films to hand by the last mail, and these they will exhibit tomorrow and through the New Year season.
New Year Season. Wonderful films just arrived. Superb exhibition.
New films every mail, changes of programme every two days. Special performances on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays; 2 performances every night. Apparatus & films for sale. Don't forget the address: Des Voeux Road, Pottinger Street.
The Victoria Cinematograph promises a special attraction tonight and tomorrow night in the shape of a motor trip to Monte Carlo. The pictures shown recently at this cinematograph have been extremely good.