![A History Of Film Exhibition And Reception In Colonial Hong Kong: 1897 To 1925](/sites/default/files/images/banner/database_home-03_7.png)
Grand Opening Night
The Alexandra Cinematograph is advertised in our columns. It is to be located at No. 2, Zetland Street, the most central part of the city and opens on the 21st inst., with a series Pathe's films which have never been exhibited in Hongkong. As the proprietors are to be in constant receipt of…
The proprietor of the Alexandra Cinematograph, Zetland Street, intends giving a benefit evening on next Wednesday in aid of the University Fund. The entertainment will be of a high-class character and the films to be shown have been specially selected. The programme will include a novelty in the…
Particulars of the Alexandra Cinematograph at No. 2, Zetland Street, will be found in our advertisement columns. The show re-opens under entirely new management and a good selection of Pathe films is announced. The films include drama, comedy, burlesque, geography, history, war, journeys, etc.…
Mr Geo. P. Lammert has received instructions to sell by public auction, on Friday, 20th July, 1908, at 12 o'clock. One Edison moving machine with 7500 feet best French film (Pathe) and all accessories.
Splendid Programme: 1. A Difficult Father-in-law; 2. The Doings of Mr. Easyfed; 3. The Wonderful Barometer; 4. Troubled Soul; 5. The Ambulance Dogs; 6. Uncle's Fortune; 7. Brothers in Arms; 8. Love at First Night.
No artist but only the latest Pathe Films are shown as in London and Paris, these films have never been seen in the East and comprise drama, comedy, burlesque, geography, history, war, journeys on land and sea; Matinee for children, half price
The new Alexandra Cinematograph was opened in the premises, No. 2 Zetland Street last evening. The entertainment is strictly confined to exhibitions of the latest films, and those shown last evening included some excellent pictures.
Tonight & every night, Family Programme. No artist but only the latest Pathe Films are shown as in London and Paris, these films have never been seen in the East and comprise drama, comedy, burlesque, geography, history, war, journeys on land and sea; Matinee for children, half price
Crowded houses are witnessing the performance nightly at this new place of entertainment. The pictures are quite new and are masterpieces of photographic art. A comfortable seat and interesting pictures are just the two things required.
Tonight & Every Night, Family Programme. No artistes but only the lastest Pathe films are shown as in London and Paris. These films have never been seen in the East; programmes to be had at the door; hours from 9 to 11 p.m; entire change of programme every Monday and Thursday from Jan 27 to…
Alexandra Cinematograph, in Zetland Street, offered the audiences high quality films. To begin with, the firm reproduced on the screen are the production of the noted firm of Pathe Freres of Paris. If we have a fault to find with the show at all it is that there was too little of the educational…
(No. 2 Zetland Street, Corner of Hoorain-Ali's, near Clock Tower) Tonight and every evening. No artistes but the latest films from London and Paris. Family programme. 9 to 11 p.m. Price details included.
(No. 2 Zetland Street, Corner of Hoorain-Ali's, near Clock Tower) Tonight and every evening. Entire change of programme every Monday and Thursday. Family programme. 9 to 11 p.m. Price details included.
Tonight & every night, Family Programme. No artist but only the latest Pathe Films are shown as in London and Paris. Entire change of programme every Monday and Thursday. These films have never been seen in the East and comprise drama, comedy, burlesque, geography, history, war, journeys on…
(No. 2 Zetland Street, Corner of Hoorain-Ali's, near Clock Tower) Tonight and every evening. Entire change of programme every Monday and Thursday. These films have never been shown in Hong Kong by any other cinematograph. 9 to 11 p.m. Price details included.
Last Wednesday night films projecting in Alexandra Cinematograph, in Zetland Street, attracted many audiences, and the extraordinary amount of kissing amused the average spectators. The manager, Mr. Freriches, states that next week one of the best films yet shown will be produced for the first…
Tonight and every evening: Select Programme, entire change of films every Monday and Thursday. These films have never been seen in ANY Cinematograph in Hongkong; Price details and schedule included
The Alexandra Cinematograph, No. 2 Zetland Street, showed many beautiful films of varied subjects like pictures of comedy, travel and educational advantage. The machine is a particularly good one, and the entertainment well repays a visit.
Good houses are attending nightly at the Alexandra Cinematograph, 2 Zetland Street, and this is not to be wondered at considering the excellent programme of pictures, which are all new and are subject to change twice a week. Naval life in China is one of the features of the programme commencing…