Arrangements have been made with the Humphrey Bishop Co. to give an entertainment in the theatre of the Peak Club. The cinematograph entertainment advertised for the 2nd June has been postponed till the 9th idem.
Members of the Peak Club are reminded that the cinematograph performance at the Peak Club, in aid of War Charities, which was postponed from Friday the 2nd inst, will now take place on Friday the 9th inst. Tickets may obtain from Peak Club or at the Hongkong Club.
The second Cinematograph performance in aid of War Charities will take place in the Peak Club Theatre on Thursday night at 9:15 p.m. Tickets may be obtained by members for themselves and friends from Head Boy at the Club.
The second cinematograph performance in aid of War Charities will take place in the Peak Club Theatre.
The Charity cinematograph performance at the Peak Club takes place tonight.
The third cinematograph performance arranged by the Entertainment Committee of the Peak Club will take place on Thursday, the 27th inst. Commencing at 9:15 p.m. A portion of the proceeds will be given to War Charities.
The third cinematograph performance of the Peak Club will take place on the Lower Tennis Court. A portion of the proceeds will be given to War Charities.
A Cinematograph entertainment will be given at 9.15 pm on Aug 24 on the lower tennis lawn; 'Untold Stories of the War,' a lecture with photographs will be given by Mr. Frederic Coleman, F. R. G. S.; price detail included.
Another cinematograph entertainment is to be given at the Peak Club. A lecture delivered by Mr. Frederick Coleman, F.R.G.S. and portion of the proceeds will be devoted to War Charities.
Mr Frederic Coleman is an American journalist, traveller and soldier. He will deliver lectures at the Victoria Theatre on Wednesday and Thursday, and at the Peak Club.
The fine weather favours the cinematograph show on the lawn of the Peak Club tonight.
A reminder is given that there will be cinematograph performance for members of the Peak Club and their friends on Wednesday. The main features of which will be War films. Surplus profits will be devoted to War Charities Admission.
Members of the Peak Club and their friends are reminded that there will be a cinematograph performance at the Peak Club tomorrow, the 31st inst., commencing at 9.15 p.m. The cinematograph performance following will take place on Friday, February 16, instead of February 14, owing to the concert…
A reminder is given to members of the Peak Club and their friends that there will be a cinematograph performance at the Peak Club. The next performance will take place on Friday instead of February at the Helena May Institute.
A Cinematograph Performance is being given at the Peak Club at 9:15 p.m. tomorrow when some very interesting War Films will be exhibited. The surplus proceeds will be devoted to War Charities.
A reminder is given to members of the Peak Club that a cinematograph performance will be given at the Peak Club when some interesting War films will be exhibited. The surplus proceeds will be devoted to War Charities.
The invasion of the Huns and the great Siege from the sea to the Alps, the man of the hour in England, Frederic Villiers, the famous war artist-correspondent of 'The Illustrated London News' in a stirring illustrated war talk 'With Joffre and French,' in which is included…
An illustrated war talk with Joffre and French, the leacture will be illustrated by Mr. Villiers' own films and latern slides at the Peak Club
Tonight: An illustrated war talk with Joffre and French, the leacture will be illustrated by Mr. Villiers' own films and latern slides at the Peak Club
Thursday, January 3, 9.15 p.m., special screening of the gorgeous spectacular film, 'Damon and Pythias.' Tickets: $2.00. Picture included.