Two performances every Saturday; Film screening of 'The Spanish Bull Fight' and 'The Great Fire in London'
Two performances nightly from 7.15 p.m. to 9 p.m. and from 9.15 p.m. to 11 p.m., starting from tonight. The programme includes 'The Spanish Bull Fight' and 'The Great Fire in London.' Change of programme every Saturday. Front Seats $1 and Back Seats 50 cents.
Two performances nightly from 7.15 p.m. to 9 p.m. and from 9.15 p.m. to 11 p.m., starting from tonight. The programme includes 'Chinderella' [sic], 'The Eruption of Mount Pelle' and 'Destruction of St. Pierre, Martinique' for tonight and 'Passion Play' for…
Two performances every Saturday; Film screening of 'Cinderella' and 'Six Sisters Dianaf' [sic].
The Royal Biograph conducted by Mr F. Neuman who has a fine collection of pictures. The pictures shown included scenes in the Russo-Japanese war, land and seascapes, street scenes from Shanghai and India, and many other humorous and interesting character. The biograph was set in the tent which…
Pictures which have never been exhibited; Two Performances each night; Military in uniform and children half price
Performance from The Troupe of Miss Adala with the assistance of La Belle Dora
Performance from The Troupe of Miss Adala with the assistance of La Belle Dora
Performance from The Troupe of Miss Adala with the assistance of La Belle Dora
Performance from The Troupe of Miss Adala with the assistance of La Belle Dora
A film of 6000 feet 'The Passion of Christ' would be shown, during the interval there would be performance from The Troupe of Miss Abdala with the assistance of La Belle Dora and Miss Flora
Screening of 'The Great Passion Play', a film of 6000 feet long; Performance from the Madam Abdala's Troupe, sweets would be distributed during the interval
Screening of 'The Great Passion Play', a film of 6000 feet long; Performance from the Madam Abdala's Troupe, sweets would be distributed during the interval
Screening of 'The Great Passion Play', a film of 6000 feet long; Performance from the Madam Abdala's Troupe, sweets would be distributed during the interval
Performance from the Madam Abdala's Troupe; New films arrived by the French Mail; Three Prizes in the Shape of Watches given away nightly
Performance from the Madam Abdala's Troupe; New films arrived by the French Mail; Three Prizes in the Shape of Watches given away nightly
Performance from the Madam Abdala's Troupe; New films arrived by the French Mail; Three Prizes in the Shape of Watches given away nightly
The Government has, we understand, made a good deal in offering to lease by public tender the Crown land opposite the Central Market, at present occupied by cinematograph shows and unsightly matsheds. The land is being put up for competition and has been an offer of $1,200 a month, which, we…
The Victoria Cinematograph will soon remove into the new and spacious building of the 'Empire Cinema Co,' opposite the Central Market. A special selection of artists will be assembled for the opening, including the Howard Family, Little Master Percy, Little Sadie Gale, and also Mr.…
Invitations were issued by Messrs. Ramos and Ramos, the proprietors of the new 'Empire' Cinematograph Theatre opposite Central Market, for the opening performance in the new building on Monday next. The old wooden building of the late Hongkong Cinematograph has already been removed and…