Residents at the Peak Hotel and Peakites generally had an opportunity last night of witnessing the Coronation cinema films. The show took place on the roof of the annex and was well patronised and much appreciated.
A grand Pathe Freres cinematographic entertainment will be given on Monday next (weather permitting), on the Peak Hotel Annexe roof, when by special request, the Pathe film of the Coronation Festivities in London will be exhibited.
Big Cinematograph Show at the Peak Hotel on Monday showing 'The Coronation of King George V. in London' along with others of Pathe Freres Films.
Big cinematograph show at Peak Hotel at 9:15 p.m. on Monday, 7th August. Weather permitting. The coronation of King George V. in London. Price details included.
A cinematograph entertainment takes place this evening at the Peak Hotel, when the Coronation pictures will be shown.
Messrs. Pathe Freres inform us that the cinematograph show at the Peak Hotel has been postponed to Saturday next.
In spite of the abundance of amusement provided for Hongkongites during the weekend, the cinematograph halls were well patronized. A particularly attractive programme was that of the Bijou, an amusing little sketch, arranged by Mr. Stevenson, provoking great laughter. Miss Violet Bonnetta…
Mr. George Samuels presents the Alaska-Siberian film at the Peak Hotel on Monday, September 22, at 9-15 p.m. under the patronage of H. E., the officer administering the Government, Mr. Cland Severn.
The success of The Alaska-Siberia Pictures, which is the result of the Carnegie Institute of Pittsburg, has been great. The films will be shown on Monday night at the Peak Hotel, under the patronage of the Hon. Mr. Claud Severn, the Officer Administering the Government.
Under the patronage of the Hon. Mr. Claud Severn, the Officer Administering the Government, the Alaska-Siberia motion pictures, which are now being shown at the Bijou Theatre, will be exhibited at the Peak Hotel on Monday evening.
The Alaska-Siberia Pictures closed a very successful engagement at the Bijou Theatre last night. The films will be shown at the Peak Hotel this evening, under the patronage of the Hon. Mr. Claud Severn.
At the Hotels: At the Peak Hotel a fund was raised for entertaining the men at Mount Austin Barracks. The men were entertained to a cinematograph show where tobacco and other gifts were distributed.