Coming screening of Path's greatest serial 'The Iron Claw' in 20 episodes of two parts each; With film poster and descrpition, an one-page ad.
Screening of 'The Iron Claw' (1st and 2nd episodes) featuring Pearl White, Creighton Hale, Sheldon Lewis; Scenic Pictures in Colours, War Gazette & British Gazette, Comic Cartoon by Bray; Pearl White's photo included
At the Victoria Theatre the opening chapters of the serial film 'The Iron Claw,' featuring Pearl White, Creighton Hale and Sheldon Lewis, were shown. The play includes popular artistes. In addition to the big picture, the management has provided quite a good programme of humorous…
Coming screening of 'The Iron Claw' (5th and 6th episodes) featuring Pearl White, Creighton Hale and Sheldon Lewis; British Gazette and War Gazette; Prince in a Trench Comedy and 'Wiffles' Dancing Pumps'
Screening of 'The Iron Claw' (5th and 6th episodes) featuring Pearl White, Creighton Hale and Sheldon Lewis; British Gazette and War Gazette; Prince in a Trench Comedy and Wiffles' Dancing Pumps'
Screening of 'The Iron Claw' (1st and 2nd episodes) featuring Pearl White, Creighton Hale and Sheldon Lewis, and Various Comics
The greatest serial ever produced in 20 episodes of two reels each, featuring the popular favourites, Pearl White, Creighton Hale and Sheldon Lewis, 'The Iron Claw'; tonight showing 1st and 2nd episodes, entitled: 'The Vengeance of Legar' and 'The House of Unhappiness,…
On June 5, Pathe gold rooster 'Hazel Kirke' in 5 parts, featuring Pearl White & Creighton Hale, for 3 nights only; Pathe's British Gazette, 'Saved by Wireless' and various comics.
Screening of Pathe's 'Hazel Kirke' featuring Pearl White and Creighton Hale, Pathe's British Gazette, 'Saved By Wireless' and Various Comics
Screening of Pathe's 'Hazel Kirke' featuring Peral White and Creighton Hale
Tonight: Screening of Pathe's 'Hazel Kirke' featuring Pearl White and Creighton Hale, Pathe's British Gazette, 'Saved By Wireless' and Various Comics for 2 nights
Tonight, the last night of screening of Pathe's 'Hazel Kirke' featuring Pearl White and Creighton Hale, Pathe's British Gazette, 'Saved By Wireless' and Various Comics
At the Victoria Theatre, Pearl White and Creighton Hale appear in 'Hazel Kirke.' There will be a special matinee in the 21st inst in aid of the funds of the Portuguese School. Mr Blake has spared no effort in benefiting any institution that deserves help.
A statement about the winter season of Victoria Theatre has been made by Mr. J. J. Blake, the manager. Concerning serial pictures were so much appreciated by cinema-goers, Mr. Blake has arranged to screen first 'The Grip of Evil,' with Jackie Saunders in the leading role. Other serials…
Mr J. J. Blake, the manager of that Victoria Theatre, informs us that great care has been taken in the choice of productions for the winter season. Great variety of films were obtained, including 'The Grip of Evil,' with Jack Saunders, 'The Fatal Ring' featuring Pearl White…
Mr Ball has been scenario editor, staff playwright, and director of film companies and the author of other books on the same subject. He expressed that good dramatic material is in great demand.
Tuesday, 15th January, the great Metro serial, 1st and 2nd episodes of 'The Great Secret.' Also Pathe's Gazettes and Comics. Watch for the 'Seven Pearls' featuring Mollie King, Creighton Hale and Leon Barry. Booking at Anderson's. Note: Owing to so many seats booked…
On Jan 15, the great Metro serial, 1st and 2nd episodes of the 'Great Secret'; Pathe's Gazettes and comics; 'Watch for the Seven Pearls,' featuring Mollie King, Creighton Hale and Leon Bary; seats reservation details included.
Tonight, the great Metro serial, 1st and 2nd episodes of 'The Great Secret.' Also Pathe's Gazettes and comics. Watch for 'The Seven Pearls' featuring Mollie King, Creighton Hale and Leon Barry. Booking at Anderson's. Note: owing to so many seat books for Saturday…
Pathe's great new serial 'The Seven Pearls' in 15 episodes with Mollie King and Creighton Hale will be screened at the Victoria Theatre on Friday next at the 9.15 p.m. performance.