A History Of Film Exhibition And Reception In Colonial Hong Kong: 1897 To 1925
Displaying 1 - 20 of 170
Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1913-05-13

Paris now has the finest and best equipped oceanographic museum in the globe, which is near the Odeon Theatre. The lectures in the museum are usually at 9, using magic lantern and the Cinematograph. Prince Albert had donated 200,000 to the museum.

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1913-09-02

The use and abuse of the cinematograph are being discussed at the local education authority in the U. K. Rev. F. B. Meyer (headmaster of Eton), Winchester and Rugby, the Earl of Meath and Sir Albert Rollit. They believe that the moving pictures can be 'disastrous' if not carefully…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1913-09-12

In an interesting article in the Dame [sic] the well-known Berlin physician, Dr. Albert Moll, discusses the influence of theatre-going on the infirmity particularly prevalent among highly strung people of our great cities. The cinematograph, where the slight trembling of the pictures is by no…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1914-07-08 - 1914-07-10

Films screenings including 'The Rival Daughters' (5,000 ft) and 'A Great Hunt in Russia'; Screening of Pathe's British and American Weekly; Coming magic performance by Albert Morrow

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1914-07-11 - 1914-07-14

Film screening of 'The Curse of War' (5,000 ft); Screening of Pathe's Cartoon and International Gazette; Coming magic performance by Albert Morrow

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1914-07-11 - 1914-07-14

For 4 nights only, the great sensational drama 'The Curse of War' in 5,000 feet, and 'Pathe's Cartoon & International Gazette'; look out for 'Albert Morrow,' one of the world's best magicians.

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1914-07-15 - 1914-07-17

Films screening of 'Wiffles and the Millionaire' (3 parts, 4,000 ft) and 'A Lighthouse in Darkness'; Screening of Pathe's British and American Weekly; Coming performance by Albert Morrow

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1914-07-18 - 1914-07-21

Film screenings including 'Wiffles Goes to the Dentist' and 'Joe Jeanette v. Georges Carpentier'; Screening of Pathe's German and International Gazette; Coming perforamnce by Albert Morrow

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1915-04-17 - 1915-04-20

From Apr 17 to 20, detective drama 'The Trust' in 2 parts - length 3,000 feet; powerful drama 'A Ray of Sun' in 3 parts - length 5,000 feet; also comic pictures; performance by Albert Morrow on Apr 21.

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1915-04-19 - 1915-04-19

Films screeenings including 'The Trust' (2 parts, 3,000 ft) and 'A Ray of Sun' (3 parts, 5,000 ft); Also Comic Pictures; Orchestra in attendance; Coming performance by Albert Morrow

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1915-04-20 - 1915-04-20

Films screeenings including 'The Trust' (2 parts, 3,000 ft) and 'A Ray of Sun' (3 parts, 5,000 ft); Also Comic Pictures; Orchestra in attendance; Coming performance by Albert Morrow

Headline: Bijou Theatre
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1915-04-20

The Bijou has been giving a remarkably good show the last few nights, the special features being the two dramatic films 'A Ray of Sun' and 'The Trust.' The Scots wizard, Albert Morrow, will perform tomorrow.

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1915-04-21 - 1915-04-23

Great dramatic comic films; Performance by Albert Morrow; Orchestra in attendance

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1915-04-24 - 1915-04-27

Film screenings including 'The Yellow Fever' (3 parts, 5,000 ft) and 'Love's Serenade' (2 parts); Performance by Albert Morrow

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1915-05-19

A big concert will take place at the Victoria tonight. In addition to the various professional artistes — Miss May Clark, the Carsons, Mr. Albert Morrow and Professor Gonzalez, one or two local amateurs including Mr. Harry Relph will appear. One of the features will be 'Motoring,' by…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1915-06-14 - 1915-06-16

On June 15, two magnificent pictures in 2 parts each of 2,000 feet long, 'The Doll' and 'American Born'; comic educational & interesting films, Albert Morrow in the 'Haunted House'; performance by Prof. Gonzales; 9th & 10th episodes of the 'Perils of…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1915-06-15 - 1915-06-15

Films screenings including 'The Doll' (2 parts, 2,000 ft) and 'American Born'; Performances by Albert Morrow; Coming film: 'Perils of Pauline'

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1915-06-17

Mr. Albert Morrow, who has before performed in Hong Kong, gave a clever and amusing little conjuring turn. 'The Mystery of the Haunted House,' and all the pictures at the Victoria were of an interesting nature. Special mention should be made of 'The Doll,' which everyone…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1915-09-21

Moving Pictures Financed: Among the other activities of Press Agent Claussen was the promotion of a plan to exploit the moving pictures produced by the Messter Film Company, which was financed by a loan of $22,000 from German Financial Agent Albert.

Headline: Bijou Theatre
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-03-18 - 1916-03-21

On Mar 18, 1st series of the daring and sensational feature 'The Extraordinary Adventures' [sic] in 4 parts; 'Saturnin Farandoul' from the celebrated Italian novel of A. Robida; also the magnificent drama 'The Gipsy's Daughter' in 3 parts.