Fourth tour round the world of the world-famed Ada Delroy Company. The world's greatest dancer in her latest innovation 'She.' And the Bioscope will shown the latest pictures including scenes and incidents in the Transvaal War. Also The White Mahatma's startling performance.…
Ada Delroy Company's fourth tour round the world. Season of 6 nights only. Also presenting The Bioscope, 200 latest pictures including scenes and incidents in the Transvaal War. Also a psychological bewilderment of 'The White Mahatma.' Booking at the Robinson Piano Co. James Bell…
A good music-hall programme was given last night in Theatre Royal. Owing to the illness of an important member of the company, viz, the lime-light man, the London Bioscope had to be omitted. Various artists performed included Mr. Bell: a comedian, Miss Delroy on dancing, Miss Maud Lita on…
Ada Delroy Company's fourth tour round the world. Following four night only. Also a psychological bewilderment of 'The White Mahatma.' And The London Bioscope. Booking at the Robinson Piano Co. James Bell is the Manager, while James Morgan is the Business Representative.
Last night the Ada Delroy Company repeated the programme of their opening night before a fair audience at the Theatre Royal. The Bioscope pictures were capitally shown and afforded much pleasure to the audience.
First grand change of programme of Ada Delroy Company. And The White Mahatma in weird dream visions as a psychological bewilderment, a huge sensation caused with the London Bioscope. And an entirely new series of pictures depicting recent scenes and incidents in connection with the Transvaal War…
Ada Delroy Company's fourth tour round the world. Following three nights only. Also a psychological bewilderment of 'The White Mahatma.' And The London Bioscope. An entirely new series of pictures depicting recent scenes and incidents in connection with The Transvaal War. Booking…
The hankering after the mysterious and the attractions of a good variety of entertainment drew together a good attendance lasts night at the third performance of the Ada Delroy Company in the Theatre Royal. Much enthusiasm was evinced by the exhibition on the bioscope of a series of pictures…
Ada Delroy Company's fourth tour round the world. Two following nights only. The Transvaal War by the London Bioscope. Also a psychological bewilderment of 'The White Mahatma.' Booking at the Robinson Piano Co. James Bell is the Manager, while James Morgan is the Business…
Change of programme. The Transvaal War and a series of other pictures all new to Hongkong in the London Bioscope, including 'The Late Derby.' 'Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race,' 'Final for the English Football Cup' and 'The White Mahatma.' Positively the…
The closing performance of the Ada Delroy Company took place on Saturday night, and was well attended. With the exception of the Bioscope item, which was only partially successful, all the other parts of the programme were enthusiastically received and seemed to give unqualified pleasure to…
One Edison Kinetoscope [sic] (new) with Appurtenances complete. On View at the Office of The American Tobacco Co., 4 Queen's Road.
The public will have an opportunity of seeing one of Edison's latest inventions in the City Hall. The principal feature of the entertainment will be the new 20th-century projectoscope, the latest development of the cinematograph and bioscope, and an immense improvement upon anything that…
The latest and most perfect animated pictures direct from London to Hong Kong. Complete set of Pictures of the Coronation Festivities. Vide Shanghai Press of last Winter. Plan at the Robinson Riano Co., Ltd. T. J. Stevenson is the Proprietor.
An exceedingly good Bioscope entertainment is that which is being given by Mr. T. J. Stevenson at the Theatre Royal. The coronation pictures are exceedingly good. The news described some scenes of the films.
Imperial Bioscope. Complete change of programme. Plan at the Robinson Riano Co., Ltd. T. J. Stevenson is the Proprietor.
There will be a Bioscope Exhibition at 37 Elgin Street, Kowloon tonight, commencing at 7 p.m. It will be given by the American Specialty and Bioscope Co., and press notices in Australian contemporaries praise the show very highly. Prices of admission are low.
Bioscope open at 7 p.m. Price details included. Ismaljee Thaverbhai is the Manager and Director.
Commencing tomorrow, Saturday, at 8.30 p.m., the American Bioscope Company open for a short season in Hong Kong, at No. 5, Des Voeux Road. The programme includes Ventriloquism, Songs, Musical, Comedies, Bioscope and Phonograph Exhibitions. The prices of admission are 30 cents, 60 cents, and $1…
Bioscope open at 8.30 p.m. Price details included. Ismaljee Thaverbhai is the Manager and Director.