To the joy of theatre managers and playgoers, the Berlin Town Council has temporarily 'killed' the project to levy a tax on amusements. Were the proposals to become law, the price of theatre tickets would rise from 25 to 30 per cent, threatening ruin to many places of amusement.
The Pathe Company have perfected a new apparatus, the Pathe Kok (advertised today), whereby residents may enjoy all the joys of the cinematograph in their own homes. The machines, which are on view and on sale at Glenealy Building, Wyndham Street, cost only $185 with 300 ft. of non-inflammable…
Facts regarding the reading of the English wounded are furnished by the 'Manchester Guardian' with source of Miss Beatrice Harraden. 'The Last Days of Pompeii' was in favour, in fact many men had seen the story at the cinema theatre.
From Apr 26-29, 13th and 14th episodes of 'The Fatal Ring,' 'A Dash for Arabia' and 'The Painted Safe'; Annals of the War No. 21, British Gazette No. 441; 'Gertie's Joy Ride.'
26th, 27th, 28th and 29th April, 'The Fatal Ring,' episode 13 and episode 14. Also Annals of the War No. 21, British Gazette No. 441, 'Gertie's Joy Ride,' etc. Booking at Anderson's. April 27 Remarks: Monday, April 29th, 'Pro Patria' or 'The Heros of…
Tonight, 13th and 14th episodes of 'The Fatal Ring,' 'A Dash for Arabia' and 'The Painted Safe'; Annals of the War No. 21, British Gazette No. 441; 'Geritie's Joy Ride'; on Apr 29, 'Pro Patria' or 'The Heroes of Belgium.'
The Stunts' was successful and well-received from the audiences last evening. The performers in the programme included: Misses Elfrida Osmund, Dorothy Razavet, Olga Demee, Messrs A. Ramsey, H. Ramsey, D. d' Almada e Castro and Master G. Razavet. More performers included in the second…
Mr. P. A. Rosario and his happy band of 'stunts' could not have wished to have seen a larger house than that at the Victoria Theatre last night. The 'Stunts' led off with that very amusing farce 'My Lord in Livery' the theme of which is familiar to many, but which…
Dick Mason is the character impersonated by 'Smile-a-minute' George Walsh in 'The Yankee Way'; and the scene of his operations is somewhere in the Balkans. It is above all the fascination of George Walsh's smile and snappy way of doing things that makes this William Fox…
Monday to Wednesday, 'Joy and the Dragon' featuring Baby Marie Osborne. Also a Harold Lloyd comedy entitled 'Want $5000' [sic], side-splitting. Booking at Anderson's. July 8 & 9 Remarks: Wednesday's matinee, 'Twenty-One.'
Monday to Wednesday: 'Joy and the Dragon' featuring Baby Marie Osborne. A Harold Lloyd comedy entitled 'Want $5000' [sic] side-splitting. Booking at Anderson's. July 9 remarks: Matinee: 'Twenty-One.'
Pots and Pans Peggy', a funny name but a good picture featuring Gladys Hulette. Full of thrills. Today's matinee: 'Mickey.' July 12 remarks: Matinee: Marie Osborne in the 'Joy and the Dragon.' Harold Lloyd in 'Wanted $5000.'
Pots and Pans Peggy,' a funny name, but a good picture featuring Miss Gladys Hulette. Full of thrills. Saturday's matinee at 2.15 and 5 p.m., Baby Marie Osborne in 'Joy and the Dragon.' Also Harold Lloyd in 'Wanted - $5,000.'
A screen classic that critics have placed in the same category with 'The Birth of a Nation' and 'Hearts of the World' has been produced under the title of 'The Hearts of Humanity.' It will be exhibited at the Coronet tomorrow with Dorothy Philips in the principal…
The Heart of Humanity' to be seen tomorrow at the Coronet Theatre. The main roles are played by Dorothy Phillips and William Stowell, supporting roles by Walt Whitman, Robert Anderson, Frank Braidwood, George Hackathorn [sic], little Gloria Joy, Margaret Mann and Lloyd Hughes. Film synopsis…
You have laughed at ‘Snub' for the last three years: you never had better cause than in his latest joy-reel, 'How Dry I Am,' showing twice nightly at the Coronet.
The Coronet Theatre is always full at all its shows. Mabel Normand in the Venus Model is just all joy and charm.
Madge Kennedy finds a role dear to her heart in her latest Goldwyn release. 'Strictly Confidential' will be shown at the Coronet Theatre, beginning tonight. The programme is also noteworthy as introducing a new Rolin comedy star, Beatrice La Plante, to Hongkong audiences. Film synopsis…
At 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15, a thing of beauty is a joy forever, Katherine MacDonald in 'The Thunderbolt.' Not suitable for children. Also ‘Snub' Pollard in 'Don't Weaken' and Coronet Review.
At 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15, a thing of beauty is a joy forever, Katherine MacDonald in 'The Thunderbolt.' Not suitable for children. Also ‘Snub' Pollard in 'Don't Weaken' and Coronet Review. The Coronet programme is shown in Canton at the Sincere Theatre.…