Berlin, June 23 – Herr Ballin, Director of the Hamburg-Amerika Line, was honoured by luncheoning with the Kaiser. Afterwards Herr Ballin showed his Majesty a series of cinematograph views of the mammoth liner being built for the Company.
To the joy of theatre managers and playgoers, the Berlin Town Council has temporarily 'killed' the project to levy a tax on amusements. Were the proposals to become law, the price of theatre tickets would rise from 25 to 30 per cent, threatening ruin to many places of amusement.
Films screening of 'The Private Inquiry Office' (in 2 parts), 'Highbrow Punchers', 'The Sleeper', 'A Sixfold Duel', 'Funnicus' Circuit' and 'Gaumont Graphic No. 235' which containing the festival at Berlin on the occasion of the…
The Victoria and Bijou Theatres are both running exceptionally attractive picture programmes, with frequent changes. A special feature at the former tonight is the festival at Berlin on the occasion of the German Emperor's Jubilee.
Programme for 16th, 17th, and 18th: the dramatic film 'The Private Inquiry Office' in two parts; the comic pictures, 'Highbrow Punchers,' 'The Sleeper,' 'A Sixfold Duel,' and 'Funnicus Circus'; Gaumont Graphic no. 235, latest news from the world…
In an interesting article in the Dame [sic] the well-known Berlin physician, Dr. Albert Moll, discusses the influence of theatre-going on the infirmity particularly prevalent among highly strung people of our great cities. The cinematograph, where the slight trembling of the pictures is by no…
The Berlin 'Lokar Anzeiger' lately sent an invitation to its readers to name the seven wonders of the modern world, and received 151,764 replies. The cinematograph received 6,347 votes.
The Berlin Lokal-Anzeiger lately sent an invitation to its readers to name the seven wonders of the modern world and received 151,764 replies. Wireless telegraphy obtained the greatest number of suffrages, followed by the Panama Canal, Zeppelin's dirigible airships, aeroplane, radium in…
A film war declared in Berlin on June 3 by kinematograph film-makers against the police. The cause of conflict is the new regulations and fees exacted by the police for censoring films for production within Berlin police district, which is fixed at 5s. per hundred yards or less. Producers also…
Berlin, Oct. 9 – The theatres and concert halls are all open as usual, but the attendance is not large. The war figures largely in the light musical fares, and in the productions at the variety theatres, and the moving-picture places present military films of many kinds.
Mr. Walter V. Berry brought back the details of the destruction of Louvain. Life in Brussels was normal in contrast to that in the rue des Joyeuses-Entrees where not a single building remained standing. In Berlin, the streets and cafes are crowded, the theatres and picture places are open every…
Amsterdam, Jan. 31 – The Berlin correspondent visited a cinema where a picture was shown of the Kaiser visiting the troops. He believed that the typical face of the Kaiser has disappeared and did not trust the stories that Kaiser has never for years been so lively as now.
The 'Providence Journal' says: Evidence involving the smuggling of official documents of accounts and expenditures to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Vienna has been presented to the Department of Justice. It mentioned that Braun returned to this country in the middle of September,…
A seaman of the Royal Naval Division, who was captured at Antwerp in October 1914, has just escaped. The article mentioned that several theatres were open, and picture palaces were giving performances, chiefly of old American cowboy dramas and war pictures.
Copenhagen, Dec. 31 – A number of German officers and men were court-martialled and shot whereupon German troops hurried up. Berlin stated that the Germans have proclaimed martial law at Posen and disarmed the troops, expecting theatres and cinemas be closed.
Berlin, Apr. 23 – Owing to Spartacist agitation martial law has been proclaimed at Bremen. Restaurants, cinemas, theatres, and schools have been closed.
'My Four Years in Germany,' the film version of the adventures of Mr J. W. Gerard, American Ambassador in Berlin, is to be shown at the theatre Royal this evening.
There was a decidedly clever and refreshing vaudeville Company showing at the Victoria Theatre last night, called the 'Prize Packets.' Performances by Queenie Lloyd, Xaida Stella, la Petote Zilla and The Musical Weatherleys. In addition, a short picture programme includes the…
An article about the use of kinema photograph in medical studies as the latest development. Examples from the United States and Germany have been mentioned. For instance, a 'film library of medicine' has been formed in Berlin. Films are to be taken of all important operations.
Berlin, Aug. 17 – The new German Constitution, is divided into two main parts. It is stated that every German is to have the right to express his opinions by written or spoken word, print or picture. There will be no censorship save for moving pictures, for which regulations will be made to…