Film actress Miss Hettie Payne sued the Holmfirth Production Company under an agreement to take the leading part in the cinema play entitled 'Paula.' Miss Payne said she began as a film actress with the Hepworth Company five years ago and got noticed after her parts in 'White Star…
A very well-arranged programme is announced by the Victoria Theatre management for tomorrow night. The screening of 'The Lightning Raider,' which was disturbed by 'The Globe Trotter' taking the house, will continue regularly in future. The film is featuring Pearl White and…
A Kiss in Time,' in which Wanda Hawley and T. Roy Barnes take the leading roles, will be shown at World Theatre this week. There are three well-known comedians supporting Wanda Hawley: T. Barnes, Walter Hiers and Bertram Johns.
World Theatre is screening Realart picture entitled 'Too Much Wife' starring Wanda Hawley. Author Lorna Moon and scenarist Percy Heath have furnished the topic of marriage with humour. The supporting cast includes T. Roy Barnes, Arthur Hoyt, Lillian Langdon, Willard Louis and '…
The hero of George Barr McCutcheon's romantic novel, 'The Prisoner,' formerly titled 'Castle Craneycrow,' felt about as much for the girl's new solitaire as the prizefight manager in H. C. Witwer's 'The Leather Pushers,' who regarded engagement…
World Theatre screened a William P.S. Earle's photoplay entitled 'The Dancer of the Nile.' Mr. Earle collected the scenic and historical data which enables him to make this picture. He also personally supervised the construction of the entire set in the Hollywood Studios. Over…
Last night, World Theatre screened 'The Dancer of the Nile.' The story revolves around the life of Tutankhamun and his queen. With magnificently designed sets, the film presents a realistic reproduction of the court of Pharaohs. The all-American cast includes Carmel Myers as the dancer…
The picture which is now being shown at the Queen's Theatre is perhaps the most historically correct in costuming that Hongkong has yet seen. Rafael Sabatini's story Captain Blood, is of the good days of buccaneers on the Spanish Main. Warren Kerrigan has a part which fits him well.…