Performance by Melle Dorita, Miss Bessie Young and magician Ilford
The Alexandra Cinematograph, under the original management, provided a bright and pleasing entertainment in the Cinema Theatre, Zetland Street. Good artists have been engaged, including Miss Bessie Young and Miss Dory-ta, and the films were clear and interesting.
Performers: Miss Bessie Young, Serio Comic & Miss Dorita. Good pictures, new songs and new dances.
Alexandra Cinema-Theatre was providing a select programme this week. The two lady artistes engaged are Dori-Ta and Bessie Young. All the films shown were new and the pictures were thrown on the screen without a 'flicker.' The splendid system of ventilation guarantees the patrons a cool…
Premier hall of Hong Kong, Des Voeux Road Central. Tonight, Friday, 10th, grand benefit performance of Phillip Sisters. Good pictures. Madame Harrison. Miss Bessie Young. Tomorrow matinees at 4 p.m.
Premier hall of Hong Kong, Des Voeux Road Central. Good pictures. Phillip Sisters. Madame Harrison. Miss Bessie Young. Matinees on Saturdays and Sundays at 4 p.m.
Performer: Miss Bessie Young; Excellent up-to-date pictures, including 'Flash James', a most realistic dramatic film
At the Victoria Theatre an excellent programme was provided. The Donnellys were, as usual, very pleasing, and a dance by Little Bessie was much appreciated. One of the best pictures was 'The Hobble Skirt,' which excited considerable mirth. Other films depicted an incident from the…
7th, 8th and 9th February, Bessie Love in 'Sister of Six,' in which are also to be found the two clever children who played the parts of Jack and the Princess in 'Jack and the Beanstalk'; 'A Game Old Knight'; British Gazette No. 86. Booking at Robinson's.
Tonight, Bessie Love in 'Sister of Six' in which are also to be found the two children who played the parts of Jack and the Princess in 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. 'A Game Old Knight.' British Gazette No. 86. Booking at Robinson's.
February 7, 8 and 9, Bessie Love in 'Sister of Six' in which are also to be found the two clever children who played the parts of Jack and Princess in 'Jack and the Beanstalk.' Also 'A Game Old Knight' and British Gazette No. 86. Booking at Robinson's.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Bessie Love and DeWolf Hopper in 'Stranded'; 'Love and a Savage'; 'Wallingford' episode 5; British Gazette No. 498. Saturday, April 12th at 2.15 p.m., special all comedy children's matinee. Booking at Robinson's.
Tonight, Bessie Love and De Wolf Hopper in 'Stranded.' Love and a Savage, 'Wallingford' episode 5. British Gazette No. 498. Special all comedy, children's matinee. Booking at Robinson's.
Tonight at 4.30 p.m. and 9.15 p.m., Bessie Love and DeWolf Hopper in 'Stranded.' 'Love and a Savage.' 'Walingford' episode 5. British Gazette, No. 498. Today (Saturday), April 12th at 2.15 p.m., special all comedy, children's matinee. Booking at Robinson's…
Tonight at 9.15 p.m., Bessie Love in her happy play, 'A Little Sister of Everybody.'
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 28, 29 and 30 at 9.15 p.m., Pathe presents Bessie Love in her happy play, 'A Little Sister of Everybody.' Also 'Wiffles Advances the Time.' Thursday, matinee 1st May at 5.15 p.m., 'A Mormon Maid' by Paul West with Mae Murray.…
Tonight! Bessie Love in her happy play 'A Little Sister of Everybody.' April 28 and 29 remarks: 'Wiffles Advances the Time.' Matinee: 'A Mormon Maid' by Paul West with Mae Murray. Booking at Anderson's.
3 nights only, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 23, 29 and 30 at 9.15 p.m., Pathe presents Bessie Love in her happy play, 'A Little Sister of Everybody.' 'Wiffles Advances the Time.' Thursday matinee 1st, May at 5.15 p.m., 'A Mormon Maid' by Paul West with Mac […
At the Victoria Theatre is now being screened 'A Little Sister of Everybody,' in which the dainty Pathe star, Bessie Love, appears at her best. In the midst of the war pictures and the problem picture and the sky pictures, comes now the sweet and winsome Bessie Love in what they are…
A brief review on the 'House of Hate.' A new play 'A Little Sister of Everybody' started last night and will continue till tomorrow, in which the Dainty Pathe Star, Bessie Love takes the leading role. 'Hands up!' featuring Ruth Roland will be screened soon.