The Cinematograph' was the latest and greatest success of London and Paris which will exhibit for a short season. There were five sessions a day, each scheduled for an hour. Admission price one dollar and children at half-price.
The Cinematograph' (The latest and greatest success of London and Paris) will exhibit for a short season, commencing Tuesday, the 27th April, 1897, for 5 sections each day. Admission: $1, children half-price.
Professor Mercovitch gave an exhibition of the projectoscope in Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, on Praya Central, last night. The rendition of a quartette entitled 'High Old Time,' exhibition of boxing, umbrella dance and 'Children's Toilet' caused amusement.…
The wonderful animatoscope will be on exhibition for a short time in Hong Kong, at No. 5, Arsenal Street, Queen's Road East, commencing from the 23rd January, and so forth. The Animatoscope is the Latest Invention of the Wizard Edison, and produces Pictures Life-Size and True to Nature,…
Last performance by Carl Hertz and Mdlle. D'Alton. For the last time tonight, special farewell programme of the people popular tricks, illusions and pictures. Booking at the Robinson Piano Co.
Lumiere's Cinematographe was exhibited in Hongkong for the first time in a matshed (open-air theatre) specially erected for the purpose near Pedder's Wharf. There was a large and appreciative audience and the various items of the programme were loudly applauded. Scenes from the Paris…
An article fully described the interior, the style of Japanese Theatre, included the use of Hanamichi, or Flower-Walk. – Japan Times
Extensive alterations and improvements are being made upon the Lyceum Theatre at Shanghai, which has often been described as the best theatre in the Far East. The N. C. Daily News concludes: 'Safety has been attended to in its fire-exits, comfort in the many ways.' It is a pity the…
Forthcoming entertainment of the 20th Century Projectoscopic Company has announced. A brilliant series of photographs scenes in London at Coronation time, the Passion Play as performed at Oberammergau, and realistic pictures of the battle of San Juan, and of President Roosevelt's Rough…
A jerry-built brick Chinese theatre in Sampeng, near Bangkok, was blown down on the 2nd inst. One person was killed and several injured. Fortunately, there was no theatrical performance at the time.
A fire has totally destroyed the theatre at Port Arthur, says the Shanghai Times. It was the only place of entertainment for the foreign community, and had a seating capacity for about 1,000 persons.
A letter was read at the meeting of the Sanitary Board yesterday from the Colonial Secretary relative to the closing of Chinese Theatres. The letter stated that His Excellency hoped that on further consideration the Board would agree that in time of epidemic it was not well, if it could be…
There was a crowded audience at the Metropole Theatre on Saturday night. At one time, it seemed that the night would be wet, but the drizzling rain soon ceased and this encouraged the hesitating one. The performers met with a warm reception, their acting being well applauded. The author later…
The Kobe Shimbun states that at 8:30pm on 8th a disastrous fire took place at the theatre at Mayebashi, near Tokio, destroying the whole building. About 250 persons were in the theatre at the time and 28 of these were burnt to death, while 9 are missing. The fire was got under control at 10:00pm…
The Bijou Variety Entertainers gave a second performance at St. Patrick's Hall last night, which was witnessed by an appreciative audience. The company deserves better patronage than it has been accorded and lovers of variety entertainment should take the opportunity of paying them a visit…
The annual Fire Brigade competition took place this afternoon at the rear of the Ko Shing Theatre when various drills were gone through. The exhibition was witnessed by His Excellency the Governor and a party from Government House, while all the points of vantage round the open space were…
Some time ago a Chinese merchant, named Lo Wang Fat, sent a petition to the reclamation director to purchase 1,600 chings (one ching = ten Chinese feet) of reclaimed ground for the purpose of erecting theatre, restaurants, etc. I understand that this merchant has been called upon to fix the…
The firm of Levy Hermoanos may be converted into a Company Ltd next year with 10 million francs. This firm had been extending to the East and opened 9 new branches. They are agents for the Richard Brasier motor-cars as well as for Pathe Freres Cinemagraphs and films. – 'Straits Times…
We are to have another exhibition of 'moving pictures' shortly. 'Smiling Metaner' writes us from Manila under date May 14, asking us to announce that he will be in Hongkong with the Britt-Nelson Fight pictures. In the meantime he expects to finish a very successful season in…
Some time ago the proprietors of the Cheung Lok Theatre, at the Longevity Temple, had permitted the admission of more people than the theatre could hold, and therefore some disturbance was created. Some persons who were jealous at these proprietors' big profit, petitioned the authorities,…