Every evening at 7.15 p.m. and 9.15 p.m., a boom in picture plays; The Conjurer's Triumph - by Max Linder; The Pathe Gayette [sic] - the world's latest news; The Gaumont Graphics -- news from home; 'What Every Mother Does' - by Wiffles; 'Please Take One' - by Nick…
(Flower Street) Two performances nightly at 7:15 and 9:15 p.m. Picture plays including the Pathe Gazette, 'The Conjurer's Triumph,' the Gaumont Graphic, 'Please Take One,' 'What Every Mother Does,' 'Strange Transaction' and 'Betty's Flight…
Tonight at 9.15, programme including Gaumont Graphic (interesting), 'Bloomer's Transformation' (comic), 'Ten Nights in a Bar Room' (dramatic, in 2 parts), 'Betty's Boat' (comic), 'Sticky Simon' (comic), 'A Regiment of Two' (comic),…
Films screenings including 'Bloomer's Transformation', 'Ten nights in a Bar Room' (2 parts), 'Betty's Boat', 'Sticky Simon', 'A Regiment of Two' (2 parts) amd 'Gribollard's Conquest'; Screening of Gaumont Graphic
The Pathe's new War Gazette was screened at the Bijou. Other interesting pictures were 'A Matrimonial Economy,' 'Betty and the Tomatoes,' 'The Prodigal Brother,' and 'Her Parrot.' Mr. Bert Flatt and Miss Flo Brocks performed.
On Jan 26, 7th and 8th episodes of the 'Iron Claw,' 'The Hooded Helper' and 'The Stroke of Twelve' [sic]; Pathe's British Gazette; 'Florence Rose Fashions'; 'A Day with Betty Young.'
Screening of 'Iron Claw' (7th & 8th episodes), Pathe's British Gazette, 'Florence Rose Fashions' and 'A Day with Betty Young'
Tonight: Screening of 'The Iron Claw' (7th & 8th episodes), British Gazette, 'Florence Rose Fashions' and 'A Day with Betty Young'
Tonight: Screening of 'Iron Claw' (7th & 8th episodes), Pathe's British Gazette, 'Florence Rose Fashions' and 'A Day with Betty Young'
Band night: Screening of 'The Iron Claw' (7th & 8th episodes), British Gazette, 'Florence Rose Fashions' and 'A Day with Betty Young'
On Mar 2, 'Two Little Vagabonds,' 1st episode in 4 parts; 'Another's Fault' and 'The Great War'; interesting: 'Florence Rose Fashions' and 'Betty Prepares for Cool Weather'; comic: 'A Film Johnnie' by Chaplin.
Screening of 'Two Little Vagabonds' (1st episode), 'The Great War', Interesting: 'Florence Rose Fashions' (Betty Prepards For Cool Weather) and 'A Film Johnnie' by Chaplin
Tonight: Screening of 'Two Little Vagabonds' (1st episode), 'The Great War', Interesting: 'Florence Rose Fashions' (Betty Prepards For Cool Weather) and 'A Film Johnnie' by Chaplin
The 11th and 12th inst., episodes of 'The House of Hate' will be resumed at Victoria Theatre with a very amusing comic 'Wiffles' Villa.' Also, a photoplay 'The Celebrated Scandal' featuring Betty Nansen in five parts will be screened.
Tonight at 9.15 p.m., 'Lest We Forget.' Matinee Sunday, April 13th at 6 p.m., 'The Lion's Ward' featuring Betty Shade [sic] and Paul Bourgeois. Booking at Anderson's.
Tonight, 'Lest We Forget,' a $250,000 (Gold) production with a cast of 3000 people. Matinee: 'The Lion's Ward' featuring Betty Shade [sic] and Paul Bourgeois. Booking at Anderson's.
Tonight 9.15 p.m., Lest We Forget, $250,000 gold production with a cast of 3,000 people. Immortalizing the sinking of the Lusitania and Charles Frohman's last words, 'why fear death! It is life's most beautiful adventure.' A mighty presentation of the causes that led America…
The Terror of the Range' featuring Betty Compson and George Larkin. Today's matinee at 5.15 p.m., Miss Gladys Hulette in 'Pots and Pans Peggy.' Booking at Anderson's.
The Terror of the Range' featuring Betty Compson and George Larkin. Today's matinee at 5.15 p.m., Miss Gladys Hulette in 'Pots and Pans Peggy.' Booking at Anderson's.
A good show takes place at Hongkong Theatre this week, with a beautiful drama entitled 'The Faded Flower' in six parts from Inn [sic] Film Co. Inc., featuring Marguerite Snow. Another wonderful film will screen on Saturday, entitled 'A Woman's resurrection' in seven…