On Saturday, a private contest took place in the Victoria Cinematograph, the reason for the display not being in public being the fact that only one day was available to make the arrangements, these being in the capable hands of Prof Billy Bellew. The contestants were McKenna, and Ambridge.
Arrangements have been made for a meeting at the City Hall on Dec 7 between Billy Bellew and Roberts of the Dockyard Police. On Thursday nest Billy meets Taff Childs, and they are expected to go 10 rounds for a side stake of 200 at the Victoria Cinematograph.
A lot of audiences watched the fight between Billy Bellew and Taff Childs at Victoria Cinematograph.
Tonight at the Salon Cinema-Theatre, Billy Bellew, champion welter-weight pugilist will give an exhibition of expert bag-punching. This evening there will be a benefit performance by Ruby Chrystal.
Billy Bellew's appearance at the Salon Cinema last night, when he gave an exhibition of ball punching, attracted a large number of admirers.
Two performances: Pictures only at 7.15 p.m. & Full programme at 9.15 p.m; Performance by Billy Eldid & Troupe
The attraction at the Victoria Theatre this week is the Billy Eldid Troupe of marvellous comic cyclists, who introduce Chocolate, described as the popular of Spanish circus clowns. In addition, the Victoria puts on a number of admirable films, which are alone worth seeing.
At the Victoria Theatre on Thursday night, Billy Eldid and troupe made their first appearance in Hongkong before a very good house. The great boxing burlesque, 'Jim Flynn v. Jack Johnson,' was truly a masterpiece in the fistic art. Messrs. Ramos and Ramos are showing some splendid…
Two performances: Pictures only at 7.15 p.m. & Full programme at 9.15 p.m; Performance by Billy Eldid & Troupe; Returning performance by Miss Addie Leigh
Roars of laughter greeted the appearance on Saturday night at the Victoria Theatre of Billy Eldid and his troupe. The mirth-making burlesque of the Johnson-Flynn fight delighted the audience. Miss Addie Leigh is also billed for this week.
Both Mr. Billy Eldid & Co. and Jack Johnson will perform at the Victoria Theatre tomorrow night. The cinematograph films are exceptionally good; notably the one entitled 'The Golden Belt.'
Films screeinings including 'Lighted Candle', 'Billy's Stratagem', 'Tom Butler' and comic film by special request 'Bedelia and the Suffragette'; Singing performance by Miss Nora Moore; Coming film: 'Qaueen of Carmargue' and 'The Merry…
The new sentimental film 'Lighted Candle'; the new film 'Billy's Stratagem'; the dramatic film 'Tom Butler' by special request; the new comic film Bedelia & the Suffragette; performance by Moore; the new dramatic film 'Queen of Carmargue' and…
Films screenings including 'Casmir & Pickpocket', 'For A Western Girl', 'Billy's Stratagem' and 'Queen of Carmargue' (in 3 parts); Singing performance by Nora Moore; Coming film: 'Evil Genius' and 'The Merry Widow'
On the weekend, the new comic film 'Casimir & Pickpocket' [sic]; the new sentimental film, 'For a Western Girl'; the new film, 'Billy's Stratagem'; the new dramatic film 'Queen of Carmargue' (in 3 parts); and other pictures; performance by Moore;…
Change of programme: 'Billy Boy & the Black Hand,' 'A Welcome Stepmother,' and other great new pictures; Pathe Gazette; performance by Zerega; this evening at 9.15 p.m.
Programme for tonight: 'An Abduction Case' (Billy boy); 'The Complete Sportsman' (Max Linder at his best); 'A Smoker's Promise'; and other new pictures.
Films screening of 'Quite Like Daddy', 'The Brighter Star', 'Round About Cairo', 'The Golden Silence', 'Max and the Pancake' and Pathe's Gazette
Programme for tonight: 'Quite Like Daddy' by Billy boy; 'Max and the Pancake' by Max Linder; Pathe's Gazette; all films new to Hongkong.
Henry and May's performance at the Victoria last night was well appreciated. Billy Graham will perform on Wednesday night. Tonight the new film 'Acquitted' will be presented.