The proprietor of the Alexandra Cinematograph, Zetland Street, intends giving a benefit evening on next Wednesday in aid of the University Fund. The entertainment will be of a high-class character and the films to be shown have been specially selected. The programme will include a novelty in the…
Tonight! Tonight! Special programme. Friday, May 7th, grand benefit tendered to Steve Adson and Thorne Jessie. The universal favourites. A monster programme of unparalleled uniqueness. Miss Hilda, serpentine dancer.
Under the distinguished patronage of H.K. Governor (Sir Frederick, Lugard K.C.M.G., C.B., D.S.O.) a Chinese theatrical performance is being given nightly in the Tai Ping Theatre in aid of the funds of the Hongkong University. During the performance Chinese refreshments were served. The…
Mr. Howard A. Kennedy, of the editorial staff of the London 'Times,' has travelled far and wide and is consequently an interesting subject to have a chat with. He and his daughter are at present making Hongkong their half-way house on a journey round the world. Mr. Kennedy described…
What is described as the greatest picture dramas of the year is to be presented at the Victoria Theatre tonight. It is entitled 'In the grip of alcohol' and it visualises the worst phases and the most unhappy outcomes of universal evil. Many of the scenes are poignant and intense, and…
When Messrs Ramos and Ramos contemplated building the popular picture palace, the Victoria Theatre, it was thought that the building to be erected would have ample accommodation for some years to come. Certainly on benefit nights, matinees and at many other times the accommodation is wholly…
The university buildings will be opened on Monday, March 11th, 1912 at 11 a.m. and followed by a six days' bazaar. A great variety of European, Chinese and Japanese articles are for sale. Exhibition of Chinese porcelains, military and naval entertainments, etc. are included.
Opening bazzar of HKU on March 11 to March 16 from 2.30 p.m. daily; Programme including Cinematograph by Pathe Freres and Cenic (Scenic) Railway
The university buildings will be opened on Monday, March 11th, 1912 at 2:30 p.m. and followed by a university bazaar.
March 11 to March 16, open from 2.30 p.m. daily, many attractions; stalls, for the sale of articles and curios of every description; exhibition, a magnificent loan exhibition of porcelain; music, by kind permission of the Naval and Military Authorities music will be supplied daily by H.M.S.…
March 11 to 16 from 2:30 p.m. daily. Stalls, exhibition and music are included. Music performances by H.M.S. Minotaur, K.O.Y.L.I., 8th Rajputs, 126th Baluchis, 25th and 26th Punjabis.
Opening bazzar of HKU on March 11 to March 16 from 2.30 p.m. daily; Programme including Cinematograph by Pathe Freres and Cenic (Scenic) Railway
Next Monday will see the opening of the imposing University Buildings in Hongkong. By no means the least interesting feature of this will be the 'scenic railway,' the first novelty of its kind ever seen in Hongkong. Yesterday evening it was intended to give it a trial but unfortunately…
The work of preparing the University and grounds for the forthcoming opening ceremony and six days' bazaar is proceeding with all possible haste. One of the interesting features of the entertainments is the scenic railway, the first of its kind seen in Hongkong. The idea is certainly novel…
March 11 to 16 from 2:30 p.m. daily. Stalls, exhibition and music are included. Music performances by H.M.S. Minotaur, K.O.Y.L.I., 8th Rajputs, 126th Baluchis, 25th and 26th Punjabis. Evening entertainments on 11th at 9:15 p.m., 12th at 7:30 p.m. and 13th at 9:15 p.m. including dinner, musicale…
Opening bazzar of HKU on March 11 to March 16 from 2.30 p.m. daily; Programme including Cinematograph by Pathe Freres and Cenic (Scenic) Railway
Opening bazzar of HKU on March 11 to March 16 from 2.30 p.m. daily; Programme including Cinematograph by Pathe Freres and Cenic (Scenic) Railway
There are lots of somebodies in Hongkong, and they were all at the University opening yesterday. The writer described the experience of the scenic railway, which proved to be quite worth the entrance fee. There was a full cargo of passengers this trip. It was a wonderful train. First it brought…
Opening bazzar of HKU on March 11 to March 16 from 2.30 p.m. daily; Programme including Cinematograph by Pathe Freres and Cenic (Scenic) Railway
Yesterday afternoon the attendance at the bazaar was not quite large as the weather was not altogether favourable. The company found much of interest in the numerous side shows, the scenic railway as usual claiming a large share of attention. To all appearances, too, the Chinese theatre was…