Last night in Theatre Royal, the Elsie Adair Company gave an amusing entertainment before a large house. And a series of animated pictures were shown by means of Edison's Vitascope. It was an almost total absence of the flicker which has characterised all previous exhibitions of pictures of…
At the Theatre Royal tonight, Miss Elsie Adair, assisted by several Hongkong amateurs, will give another performance. And fifteen views of the Jubilee procession will be shown on the vitascope. Mrs Jewell, and Miss Lee Jarvis, the celebrated comic opera prima donna, is to contribute several…
The Theatre Royal was fairly well filled on Saturday night by the performance from Elsie Adair, Mr. Vanderlip. Mrs. Jewel and Mr. C. T. Robinson. A number of new and old views were shown with the Vitascope and the graphic fidelity which some of them were animated was warmly applauded by the…
Extensive alterations and improvements are being made upon the Lyceum Theatre at Shanghai, which has often been described as the best theatre in the Far East. The N. C. Daily News concludes: 'Safety has been attended to in its fire-exits, comfort in the many ways.' It is a pity the…
The latest entertainment arrived City Hall are the Barnes 20th Century Entertainers and Biograph Company. Performers include Madame Freed, Mr. Harry Gray, Mr. W. T. Burgess, Miss Florence Adelaide, Miss Rosa Barnes and orchestra of Royal Welsh Fusiliers. The series of capital films run through…
The 20th Century Projectoscope Company (Edison's Latest): The Coronation! The Coronation! The passion play is in 5 miles of film presenting the Coronation of King Edward in details. Price details included. Note the management wish to inform the public of Hongkong this machine is the latest…
The Coronation! The Passion Play as it is played in Oberammergau. The Coronation of King Edward in detail. 5 Miles of Film. All the latest Novelties of the Cinematographic spheres. Note: The management wish to inform the public of Hongkong that they have the pleasure of bringing the first of…
The latest and most perfect animated pictures direct from London to Hong Kong. Complete set of Pictures of the Coronation Festivities. Vide Shanghai Press of last Winter. Plan at the Robinson Riano Co., Ltd. T. J. Stevenson is the Proprietor.
An exceedingly good Bioscope entertainment is that which is being given by Mr. T. J. Stevenson at the Theatre Royal. The coronation pictures are exceedingly good. The news described some scenes of the films.
Imperial Bioscope. Complete change of programme. Plan at the Robinson Riano Co., Ltd. T. J. Stevenson is the Proprietor.
Hong Chung Iu, master of the Ko Shing theatre, was charged at the instance of P. C. Appleton, with neglecting to carry out the conditions of his permit, by making the necessary arrangements for the escape of the audience in case of fire. The theatre was crowded to overflowing, and held in all…
In very recent wars the motion-picture cameras have made their appearance. C. Fred Ackerman, with whom the writer tented in China, is undoubtedly the most successful of the war motion-picture operators. His first experience was in the Philippines, which photographed two men in the act of being…
To the Editor S. C. M. Post – One citizen wrote to suggest the change of venue of the Chinese dinner in the Ko Shing Theatre, in the arrival of Prince Arthur Connaught. The writer suggests this decision is not suitable and suggest Supreme Court buildings and Post Office; the Harbour Master'…
Saturday, February 24 – Wong Wun charged a man with stealing. The complainant arrived from Macao, when he went near the lane of Ko Shing Theatre, the defendant stole his blanket, mat and wrapper.
Lo Kwai, a seaman, was charged with assaulting Wong Shui, a gatekeeper of the Tai Ping Theatre. The complainant stated that defendant with a number of others tried to go up to the stage, but he prevented them. They went away and returned shortly afterwards. The defendant then struck witness with…
On Wednesday, Emil T. Bunje, manager of the Asiatic Petroleum Co., charged Herbert John May, chief engineer of a steamer, with having behaved in a disorderly manner, and having used abusive and insulting language whereby a breach of the peace might have been occasioned at the Alexandra Theatre.…
Two performances every night including magnificent comic and dramatic films; Performance from the French Artistes Mlle. Cecilia & Mr. C. Verari, and the talented singer and dancer of the Tivoli Theatre of Sydney, Miss Ph. E. MacDonald
Special programme for tonight. Debut of the celebrated artist Miss Viola C. Cooper. New English and German songs.
Two performances every night. New Films. Grand success of the artist Miss Viola C. Cooper
Miss Viola C. Cooper. New English and German songs. Tonight and tomorrow night. Last two appearances of the Misses Diamond & Montez.