Performance by The Cameos, presented by M. S. Cowan, programme included
Hong Kong is promised a theatrical treat commencing on Saturday next, when 'The Cameos' will open a season of eight nights at the Victoria Theatre. The Company comprises nine star artists, and its members excel in burlesque and musical specialties. Its performances are said to be…
The Cameos will appear at the Victoria Theatre. Comedies and songs were presented with splendid voices, The whole programme was marked by real talent and refinement. Performances by Miss Peggy Ross, Miss Lyle Jeffries, Mr. Gerald Oshorne, Miss Lillian Gascoine, Miss Rhoda Windum and Charles…
Grand Band Concert Night; Coming film: 'Battle of the Ancre and the Advance of the Tanks' and performance by The Cameos.
Performance by The Cameos, presented by M. S. Cowan, programme included
On July 19, last night of 'The Battle of the Ancre and the Advance of the Tanks'; on July 20, the thrilling picture 'A Romance of the Boer War' in 5 parts; in July 21, opening night of the Cameos.
The last night of 'The Batte of the Ancre and the Advance of the Tanks.' Coming film: 'The Thrilling Picture' and 'A Romance of the Boer War.' Coming performance by The Cameos
Performance by The Cameos, presented by M. S. Cowan, programme included
Screening of 'A Romance of the Boer War'; Coming performance by The Cameos
On July 21 and for 8 nights only, performance by the Cameos; on July 22, selected programme.
On July 21 and for 8 nights only, performance by the Cameos; on July 22, selected programme; on July 22, pictures only, featuring 'Jack O' Diamonds' in 6 parts.
The Cameos will give their initial performance. The opening programme includes a farcical burlesque entitled 'Our Baby.'
Performance by The Cameos, presented by M. S. Cowan
Performance by The Cameos; Coming film: 'Jack O' Diamonds'
For 8 nights only, commencing July 21 at 9.15 pm, M.S. Cowman presents The Cameos.
On July 21 and for 8 nights only, performance by the Cameos; on July 22, selected programme; on July 22, pictures only, featuring 'Jack O' Diamonds' in 6 parts.
The Cameos have arrived. It was found that their wish was that there should be no performance on Sunday. 'Jack of Diamonds' will also be shown.
Performance by The Cameos, presented by M. S. Cowan
Performance by The Cameos
Tonight, The Cameos, booking at Moutrie's.