More pupils in harmony, reeds, brass and stringed instruments. Can also be conductor of any musical organization. Address: Prof. E. A. Annao, graduate of Siegel Myers School of music, Chicago, Coronet Theatre.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15, Carmel Myers in 'Who Will Marry Me.' Also Joe Martin in 'Monkey Stuff.'
Carmel Myers in 'Who Will Marry Me?' and Joe Martin in 'Monkey Stuff.'
A very attractive programme is to be shown at the Hongkong Theatre for the week commencing this afternoon till Friday next, a drama 'Who Will Marry Me?' featuring the star Carmel Myers, is one of the first productions from the Universal Film Company. There is also a splendid picture…
From this afternoon to next Friday there will be a new programme at the Hongkong Theatre, in which Carmel Myers will be seen in the love-drama 'Who will Marry Me?.' This picture is a 5-part production from the Universal Film Co. A comedy in two parts 'The Monkey Stuff' with…
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15, Carmel Myers in 'Who Will Marry Me?' Also Joe Martin in 'Monkey Stuff.'
The Hongkong Theatre presents a programme including a drama, in which Miss Carmel Myers takes the leading role, in 'Who will marry me?.' It is the production of the Universal Film Company. Also, a comedy in two acts, named 'Monkey Stuff' and the American Gazette, is to be…
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15, Carmel Myers in 'The Little White Savage.' Also American News and Cartoon Comedy.
Universal presents Carmel Myers in 'The Little White Savage,' a most thrilling story in 5 parts, and Fine Comedies.
The Little White Savage' is being shown at the Hongkong Theatre from today until Friday. The film stars Carmel Myers. Film synopsis included.
The Little White Savage,' Carmel Myers's latest comedy-drama, is built around side-show life with a circus. Film synopsis included.
Carmel Myers, the star of 'Who will Marry Me?' and other notable comedy and dramatic successes come to the Hongkong Theatre today in 'The Little White Savage,' a brilliant burlesque on the activities of present-day press agents. Review included.
Today at 5.15 and 9.15, Carmel Myers in 'The Little White Savage.' Also American News and Cartoon Comedy.
The weekend programme to be shown at the Hongkong Theatre includes a fine drama entitled 'Sirens of the Sea,' a Universal Jewel production. This picture is even superior to the celebrated 'Daughter of the Seas,' the leading parts being taken by Louis Lovely, Carmel Myers and…
Today's programme at the Hongkong Theatre includes a dramatic piece entitled 'Sirens of the Sea,' featuring Louise Lovely, Barmel [sic] Myers and Jack Murray. A fine comedy is also screened.
Today at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Carmel Myers in 'The Gilded Dream.' 2.30 p.m. and 7.15 p.m., Eddie Polo in 'Do or Die' episodes 1, 2 and 3. Usual prices. Booking at the theatre.
Today at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Carmel Myers in 'The Gilded Dream.' At 2.30 and 7.15 p.m., Eddie Polo in 'Do or Die,' episodes 1, 2 and 3. Usual prices. Booking at the Theatre. May 20 Remarks: Sunday, 21st, 6 p.m. and 9.15 p.m., 'The Kiss' featuring Carmel Myers.
The World Theatre will be screening 'The Gilded Dream' from tonight until Monday. Carmel Myers is playing the leading role. Film synopsis included.
The Gilded Dream,' a drama in six parts, is now showing at the World Theatre. Its powerful cast included Carmel Myers, Elza Lorimer, Thomas Chatterton and Boyd Irwin. Film plot included.
World Theatre is presenting an attractive drama, 'The Gilded Dream,' starring Carmel Myers, Elsa Lorimer, Thomas Chatterton and Boyd Irwin. Film plot included.