Edison's latest wonder, the Animatoscope, will be exhibited at the Theatre Royal tonight (Thursday), the 26th August, at 9 p.m., also 28th. There was a complete change of programme. Tickets may be had at Messrs. Robinson & Co.'s or at the Door.
Animatoscope will be exhibited at the Theatre Royal Tonight (Thursday), and Saturday, the 26th and 28th August, at 9 p.m. Complete change of programme. Tickets may be had at Messrs. Robinson & Co.'s or at the Door. Admission: Dress Circle $2 & $1; Stalls $2, $1 & 50 cents.
Last night in Theatre Royal, the Elsie Adair Company gave an amusing entertainment before a large house. And a series of animated pictures were shown by means of Edison's Vitascope. It was an almost total absence of the flicker which has characterised all previous exhibitions of pictures of…
At Theatre Royal, Mr. Carl Hertz, assisted by Mdlle. D' Alton, will present their first complete change of programme. In the cinematograph a complete series of fresh and startling subjects will be shown.
First presentation of the Great Illusion 'Noah's Ark', second edition of the truly marvellous and up-tp-date Cinematographe including 'A Call on the London Fire Brigade,' 'Greco-Turkish War' and 'A Gun Boat in Full Action.' Under the distinguished…
Tonight, Wednesday, second series of London Attractions, new tricks and new and up-to-date Pictures. The Cinematographe is showing 20 new and startling subjects, including A Call on the London Fire Brigade, 'Greco-Turkish War,' A Gun Boat in Full Action. Booking at the Robinson Piano…
A complete change of programme was presented last night, at the entertainment given by Carl Hertz, in the City Hall. A number of remarkably lifelike pictures were shown by the cinematograph, 'A Call on the London Fire Brigade' being receiver with great enthusiasm. 'Persimmon…
Carl Hertz, the great London conjuror presented new tricks. First presentation of the Great Illusion 'Noah's Ark,' second edition of the truly marvellous and up-to-date Cinematographe including 'A Call on the London Fire Brigade,' 'Greco-Turkish War,' 'A…
Tonight, and also Easter Monday night, performance by Carl Hertz. Entirely new and up-to-date Pictures. The Cinematographe is showing 20 new and startling subjects, including A Call on the London Fire Brigade, Greco-Turkish War, A Gun Boat in Full Action and The Prince of Wales' Derby.…
Carl Hertz has decided to give a farewell performances. There was a change of programme, new from start to finish, including presentation of the new illusion entitle 'Mephisto's Target.' This is the illusion which caused such a sensation at the theatre in London, where it was…
Carl Hertz, the great London conjuror presented new tricks. First presentation on the Great Illusion 'Mephisto's Target' assisted by Mdlle D'Alton. New Series of Pictures on the Cinematographe: 'The Queen's Jubilee Procession,' 'The English Cricketers in…
New change of programme by Carl Hertz and Mdlle. D'Alton. Entirely new, popular, and pleasing subjects of new pictures. The Cinematographe showing The Queen's Jubilee Procession, The English Cricketers in Australia and Rugby Football Match, 20 new subjects. Mr. Hertz will perform at…
Last performance by Carl Hertz and Mdlle. D'Alton, and the Cinematographe. Entire change of programme, showing Queen's Diamond Jubilee and English Cricketers. Booking at the Robinson Piano Co.
First grand change of programme of Ada Delroy Company. And The White Mahatma in weird dream visions as a psychological bewilderment, a huge sensation caused with the London Bioscope. And an entirely new series of pictures depicting recent scenes and incidents in connection with the Transvaal War…
Ada Delroy Company's fourth tour round the world. Tonight and Tomorrow night. Change of programme, including The English Derby, Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, Final for the English Football Cup and The Transvaal War. Also a psychological bewilderment of 'The White Mahatma.'…
Change of programme. The Transvaal War and a series of other pictures all new to Hongkong in the London Bioscope, including 'The Late Derby.' 'Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race,' 'Final for the English Football Cup' and 'The White Mahatma.' Positively the…
The same capital programme was presented last night, at the Theatre Royal, by Barnes' Twentieth Century Entertainers. A change of fare is to be provided tonight, which, no doubt, will meet with the marked appreciation that has characterised the first two performances of the Company in this…
First grand change of programme with 12 star artists. Harry Gray is the Business Manager. Box plan at the Robinson Piano Co.
First grand change of programme, with 12 star artists. Everything refined and up-to-date. Booking at the Robinson Piano Co. Harry Gray is the Business Manager.
Barnes' Twentieth Century Entertainers are as smart a variety combination as has visited Hongkong, and that their work is being appreciated is testified by the fact that the number of their patrons has increased nightly since they opened. Harry Gray, as a comedian, has few equals. The…