Mr. Fung Wa Chun lectured to a crowded meeting, and he talked about the opinion of the Chinese government. Mr. A. W. Brewin, and the following members of the Chinese Public District Dispensaries Committee were at the meeting.
The Charles Urban Trading Co., Ltd, forward a very interesting booklet descriptive of the Cinematograph in its relation to Science, Education and matters of state. The enterprise shown and the merit of the contents are commendable.
Charles Nugent sued Auguste Daufresne and claimed $1000 balance due as money paid for and on behalf of the defendant. The court continues to deal with the case. The defendant said he had nothing to do with the Union Commerical Company. The witness had an agreement with the Hongkong Cinematograph…
The hearing was continued of the action in which Charles Nuget [sic] sued Auguste Daufresne. The defendant said that two accounts were paid by the Union Commercial.
A single picture can be good likeness in a rare case. M. Reynaud invented a toy, known as the 'praxinoscope,' to imitate 'moving picture' as the cinematograph would be too expensive and too unwieldy to show off a collection of one's friends' portraits. The…
Mr. A. C. Franklin, of the Government Civil Hospital, will give a lecture on 'Origin of rock, with local specimens' on Thursday, the 29th, at the Chinese Y.M.C.A. There will be a number of lantern slides.
The lecture on the 'Origin of Rocks' by Mr. A. C. Franklin at the Chinese Y.M.C.A. was attended by a large crowd of men. After the close of the lecture, an opportunity was given to examine through a powerful microscope some sections of local rocks, the slides of which had been made by…
Mr. Howard A. Kennedy, of the editorial staff of the London 'Times,' has travelled far and wide and is consequently an interesting subject to have a chat with. He and his daughter are at present making Hongkong their half-way house on a journey round the world. Mr. Kennedy described…
Calcutta, January 4 – Yesterday Mr. Justice Fletcher decided the case of Warwick Major, manager for Mr. Maurice Bandmann, against A. Stephen, proprietor of the Empire Theatre, claiming R15,000 in compensation for telegrams of a defamatory character sent in May last to Mr. Bandmann. – '…
The management of the Empire Cinematograph Theatre announces that Professor A. Lewis, and Miss Lewis will make their debut this evening.
Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Schedule details included. Tonight! Debut of Prof. A. Lewis, introducing novelties never seen in Hong Kong. Miss Lewis (age 6), surprising infantile comic, serio and recitations. Coming: Miss Eva Hughes. No performance…
Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Schedule details included. Monday! Debut of Miss Eva Hughes. Prof. A. Lewis, introducing novelties never seen in Hong Kong. Miss Lewis (age 6), surprising infantile comic, serio and recitations.
Every night at 7.00 and 9.00 o'clock. Matinees Saturdays and Sundays at 4.00 p.m. World's pictures, Vaudeville performance by Mr. Elliott, Mr. A. Colins and Mr. Stephenson; Price details included
The programme at the above popular hall was entirely changed on Saturday night when a good audience assembled for the nine o'clock performance. The biorama exhibited splendid pictures. Mr. Stephenson, A. Collins, Mr. Elliott's performances were good.
Every night at 7.00 and 9.00 o'clock; matinees on Saturdays and Sundays at 4 p.m. World's pictures, exhibition of club swinging, Mr. A. Collins, cornet soloist Mr. Elliott and Mr. Stephenson, a dramatic humourist. 7 p.m. 50, 30, and 20 cents; 9 p.m. $1.00, 70 and 40 cents; special…
Every night at 7.00 and 9.00 o'clock; matinees on Saturdays and Sundays at 4 p.m. World's pictures; vaudeville performance from Miss A. M. Carrington, contralto balladist, Mr. F. Burgess, exhibition of sword swinging, and Mr. R. H. Stephenson, dramatic humourist; look out for Vera…
A complete change of programme and pictures. Vaudeville performances by Miss A. M. Carrington, Mr. F. Burgess, Mr. R. H. Stephenson; Price details included
A complete change of programme and pictures. Vaudeville performances by Miss Vera Ferace, Miss A. M. Carrington, Mr. F. Burgess, Mr. R. H. Stephenson; Price details included
It will no doubt greatly interest the public of Hongkong to know that Messrs Ramos and Ramos, of the Victoria Theatre, have secured the services of Mr A. Lauro, a cinematograph film producer, who arrived today for the purpose of taking pictures of the Coronation Celebrations in Hongkong during…
The Victoria Theatre at an enormous expense has procured the services of Mr. A. Lauro, the eminent cinematograph film producer, who has arrived by the French Mail for the purpose of taking pictures of the Coronation events during the week. These pictures will be shown at the Victoria Theatre.…