The Charles Urban Trading Co., Ltd, forward a very interesting booklet descriptive of the Cinematograph in its relation to Science, Education and matters of state. The enterprise shown and the merit of the contents are commendable.
Charles Nugent sued Auguste Daufresne and claimed $1000 balance due as money paid for and on behalf of the defendant. The court continues to deal with the case. The defendant said he had nothing to do with the Union Commerical Company. The witness had an agreement with the Hongkong Cinematograph…
The hearing was continued of the action in which Charles Nuget [sic] sued Auguste Daufresne. The defendant said that two accounts were paid by the Union Commercial.
A single picture can be good likeness in a rare case. M. Reynaud invented a toy, known as the 'praxinoscope,' to imitate 'moving picture' as the cinematograph would be too expensive and too unwieldy to show off a collection of one's friends' portraits. The…
Full change of programme will be made tonight at the Bijou and Victoria cinematograph theatres. At the Bijou, Miss Violet Bonetta and Bob Stephenson will present a new sketch. Among the pictures worthy of mention are 'Charles Daix,' 'Ariam and his dog' and 'In a moment…
At the Victoria Theatre last evening, the proprietors delighted a full house by exhibiting that magnificent film, 'A Tale of Two Cities.' The film was in three sections, and measured altogether something like 4000ft. This particular masterpiece of Dickens' was greatly appreciated…
Brilliant pictures at 9:15 p.m. include 'An Animated Armchair,' 'The Deliverance,' 'Courtship Trials,' 'French Army Cavalry,' 'Wiffle's Best Friend,' etc. Performance by Miss Vera Ferrace.
Special attractions at 9:15 p.m. from Saturday, 28th October. Comedy, The 'Liberte' Catastrofes: 'Neighbours' by Max Linder, 'Back to the Prairie,' 'The Traitor,' 'Trying to Grow,' 'Jane's Sleeping Sickness,' 'Champion Club…
Special photoplays this week, 'Satan's Defeat' [sic] every evening at 6.15 p.m: from Robert le. Diable, a beautiful coloured art film, showing how Satan gets defeated and 'The Cross Triumphs'; 'The Storm,' 'Arresting the Thief,' 'Wiffles Sad…
Tonight the patrons of the Bijou are promised a special treat, when the management screens Dickens' 'David Copperfield.' This is the first 'Britannia' film to be exhibited in Hongkong.
Mr R. H. Stephenson, the popular manager of the Bijou, Scenic Theatre, has secured an interesting new programme of pictures which will be shown tonight. They include 'The Opium Smoker,' which is a most realistic nautical drama, as well as several comic films, include 'The Aligator…
Hongkong has had little cause to complain of lack of entertainment for many months past, yet through it all the Victoria and Bijou Cinemagraphs have maintained their own as attractions and seldom fail to draw large houses. At the Victoria, the Quealys made success, while the sisters Price were…
There appear the so-called 'talking pictures,' a synchronization of the cinematograph and the phonograph by electrical science, are already in craze in London and Paris. So premising have been these reproductions of plays and operas that two prominent producers, Charles Frohman and…
(Flower Street) Two shows nightly at 9:15 p.m. Price details included. The Pathe Gazatte No. 161. Drama included, 'The Diamond Rose.' Picture shows including 'Christmas Boxes,' 'Weary Will Gets a Job,' 'Waiting for Mother,' 'Eccentric Rubber Comedian…
Every evening at 7.15 p.m. and 9.15 p.m., 'The World in Motion'; 'The Diamond Rose,' 'Weary will Get a Job,' 'Christmas Boxes,' Eccentric Rul-l-er, Comedian; the Pathe Gazette no. 161; 'Wiggles and the Magic Wand' [sic]; 'Waiting for Mother…
Every evening at 7.15 p.m. and 9.15 p.m., a boom in picture plays; The Conjurer's Triumph - by Max Linder; The Pathe Gayette [sic] - the world's latest news; The Gaumont Graphics -- news from home; 'What Every Mother Does' - by Wiffles; 'Please Take One' - by Nick…
Evidence of the phenomenal and rapid growth of the kinematograph as a means of public entertainment is to be found in London and every provincial town, but in the United States it has caused quite a furore. Moving pictures of the historic Durbar pageantry have drawn to the theatre the most…
Charles Frederick White-Warriner, an American, was brought up on remand at the Magistracy and charged that, being a bailee, he did convert to his own use the sum of $318, the money of Mrs. Esther Rubinstein. In the course of cross-examination, the defendant said he had been an actor (both in…
Messrs. Ramos are offering a novel attraction at the Victoria Theatre, a performance by Mr. E. Hill, an electrical cartoonist. The pictures are as usual highly entertaining, especially the representation of Dickens' 'Edwin Drood.'
(Flower Street) The great drama 'That Young IMP' tonight. Comics by Prince and Nick Winter. Performances by Miss Ada Rowley and Miss Gladys Spencer.