Mr. Cherry Kearton entertained the distinguished audiences at the Alhambra with a series of splendid moving pictures of his adventures in British East Africa. There were many other fascinating pictures of wild beasts and birds, a delightful film of 'Jackson's Dancing Bird' dancing…
The pictures of the Antartic of Captain Scott will be given at the Theatre Royal. The picture starts with Capt Scott bidding last farewell and ended with the last scene revealing their camping place. An interesting incident in the showing of the pictures in Shanghai was that Surgeon Atkinson and…
On Jan 14, a most wonderful and thrilling picture, 'The Masked Amazon,' a drama of circus and diplomatic life; 'Interesting Opossum Hunting' in 5 parts; also Pathe's British Gazette; 'Max's Marvellous Tulip'; 'Tiny Tim and the Cherries'; on Jan…
The wonderful and thrilling drama in 5 parts, 'The Masked Amazon,' on Friday, 14th January, 1916. Picture including 'Opossum Hunting.' Pathe's British Gazette included. Comics including 'Max's Marvellous Tulip' and 'Tiny Tim and the Cherries.' A…
Films screenings including 'The Masked Amazon' (5 parts), 'Opossum Hunting', 'Max's Marvellous Tullp' and 'Tiny Tim and the Cherries'; Screening of Pathe's British Gazette
Films screenings including 'The Masked Amazon' (5 parts), 'Opossum Hunting', 'Max's Marvellous Tullp' and 'Tiny Tim and the Cherries'; Screening of Pathe's British Gazette
There was a well-filled house at the Victoria Theatre last night and a very attractive series of pictures was screened. A new Max Linder film, 'Tiny Tim and the Cherries,' the new Pathe Gazette containing some war pictures, and the five-part drama 'The Masked Amazon' were…
The educational value of the film has been referred and to the special appeal it makes to children. Recently a cinema entertainment was given in London to a large number of children when five films illustrating the glamour of the East, including 'Japan, the land of Cherry Blossom' and…
Commencing Friday at 9.15 p.m. only, 'My Lady's Dress,' featuring Gladys Cooper and Malcolm Cherry.
Gladys Cooper and Malcolm Chfery [sic] in 'My Lady's Dress,' in 7 reels, commencing Friday at 9.15 p.m. only.
Today at 9.15 p.m., 'My Lady's Dress' featuring Gladys Cooper and Malcom [sic] Cherry. 5.15 p.m. matinee, Clara Kimball Young in 'The Foolish Virgin.' 2.30 and 7.15 p.m., 9 and 10 episodes of 'The Dragon's Net.' Booking at the Theatre.
Tonight at 9.15 p.m., 'My Lady's Dress,' featuring Gladys Cooper and Malcolm Cherry. 5.15 p.m. matinee, Clara Kimball Young in 'The Foolish Virgin.' 2.30 and 7.15 p.m., 9th and 10th episodes of 'The Dragon's Net.' Booking at the theatre.
Tonight at 9.15 p.m., 'My Lady's Dress,' Gladys Cooper and Malcon [sic] Cherry. 5.15 p.m. matinee, Clara Kimball Young in 'The Foolish Virgin.' 2.30 & 7.15 p.m., 9 & 10 epis. of 'The Dragon's Net.' Booking at the theatre.
Samuelson Film Mfg. Co. of Isleworth, England, presents the well-known British players, Gladys Cooper and Malcolm Cherry in 'My Lady's Dress,' a magnificent picture of 7 parts, written by Edward Knoblock, which is going to be shown at the World Theatre this evening and for three…
Samuelson Film Manufacturing Company's 'My Lady's Dress,' featuring Gladys Cooper and Malcolm Cherry, is going to be shown at the World Theatre. The plot is written by Edward Knoblock. Film synopsis included.
Gladys Cooper and Malcolm Cherry figure in 'My Lady's Dress,' a 7 parts picture written by Edward Knoblock, which is going to be shown at the World Theatre this evening and for 3 successive evenings at 9.15 p.m.
The walls of the commodious Kowloon Theatre will again resound to the cherry strains of a jazz band this evening when the usual Tuesday night dance will be held.
For three nights only, commencing Monday, May 21st at 9.15 p.m., Bandman's Eastern Circuit, Ltd. presents Robert Courtneidge and W. E. Holloway's London comedy and dramatic company in the following successes. Monday, May 21st at 9.15 p.m., Claud Allister, Cherry Hardy, W. E. Holloway…
Commencing Monday, May 21st at 9 p.m. for three nights only, Bandman's Eastern Circuit Ltd. Presents Robert Courteneidce [sic] & W. E. Holloway's London Comedy and Dramatic Company in the following successess. Mon. 21st May, Claud Allister, Cherry Hardy, W. E. Holloway and Leslie…
Three of the more serious dramas in the Courtneidge-Holloway Company's repertoire have been chosen for presentation during their three nights' session at the Star Theatre in Kowloon. Their opening piece will be Sir Arthur Pinero's famous drama 'The Second Mrs. Tanqueray,…