L. S. Robert Willa, (No. 63) placed Pang Kai before Mr. Haseland, at the Police Court on Monday, charged with assaulting him whilst in the execution of his duty at the Ko Shing Theatre on the 29th ultimo. Wills stated that defendant, while in the theatre, would not sit down, thereby obstructing…
Special attractions are announced at the Victoria Cinematograph tonight, when the celebrated French artistes, Mdlle. Cecilia and Mons. L. Verard, make their debut. Miss Macdonald, of the Sydney Tivoli, is also appearing. The films are all interesting and entertaining.
The celebrated artiste Miss Phyllis Eddis Macdonald of the Tivoli Theatre, Sydney.The talented French artistes Mille Cecilia and Mr L. Verard. Two performances nightly. Schedule details included. Tickets can also be obtained at the Robinson Piano Co. Don't forget the address: Des Voeux Road…
The Victoria Cinematograph continues to provide plenty of entertainment for the many patrons who nightly attend this popular place of amusement. Miss P.E. Macdonald is still as charming as ever while Miss Cecilia and Mr L. Verard are proving themselves capable entertainers.
Benefit performance of Miss Phyllis Eddie Macdonald of the Tivoli Theatre, Sydney. The talented French artistes Mille Cecilia and Mr L. Verard. Miss Violet Ruddell and little Thelma. Two performances nightly. Schedule details included. Tickets can also be obtained at the Robinson Piano Co. Don…
There was a bumper house at the Victoria Cinematograph on Sunday evening, when Miss P.E. Macdonald held her benefit performance. Mille Cecilia and Mr L. Verard continue to please the large audiences while Miss Violet Russell and Little Thelma are great favourites. The pictures thrown on the…
Miss Phyllis Eddis Macdonald of the Tivoli Theatre, Sydney. The talented French artistes Mille Cecilia and Mr L. Verard. Miss Violet Ruddell and little Thelma. Two performances nightly. Schedule details included. Tickets can also be obtained at the Robinson Piano Co. Don't forget the…
The talented French artistes Mille Cecilia and Mr L. Verard. The well-known tenor Senor Torras. Two performances nightly. Schedule details included. Tickets can also be obtained at the Robinson Piano Co. Don't forget the address: Des Voeux Road (Pottinger Street Corner).
The case of L. M. Levy v Adson and Thorne was heard in the Supreme Court, Shanghai. Plaintiff made application for an injunction restraining the defendants from performing as sketch artistes in any place of amusement, public or private, in Shanghai or Hongkong or elsewhere in the Orient until…
Premier hall of Hong Kong, Des Voeux Road Central. Tomorrow, the reappearance of Miss Ivy Lee. New films in every change of programme. Artistes: Miss L. Lee, Miss Doryta and Prof. Llford. Coming! A celebrated Australian artistes. Matinees on Saturdays and Sundays at 4 p.m. Reduced prices.
Premier hall of Hong Kong, Des Voeux Road Central. New films in every change of programme. Artistes: Miss L. Lee, Miss Doryta and Prof. Llford. Coming! A celebrated Australian artistes. Matinees on Saturdays and Sundays at 4 p.m.
Premier hall of Hong Kong, Des Voeux Road Central (Corner of Pottinger Street). Tonight! Debut of the celebrated Australian artistes, Mr T. Howard and Miss L. Lee. Farewell performance of the celebrated soprano, Miss Ethel Leslie. Matinees on Saturdays and Sundays at 4 p.m.
The hearing was continued yesterday, at the Summary Court, before Mr. Justice Gompertz, of the claim by W. Lochrane, comedian, against L. M. Levy, theatrical manager, for $890.19, being for services rendered at Shanghai, money lent, and passage money to Australia. There was a cross-claim for $…
(Des Voeux Road Central) The finest and coolest hall in the colony. Grand opening performance tonight. Monster programme. Debut of Mr L. Laynez.
(Des Voeux Road Central) Two performances nightly at 7:15 and 9:15 p.m. The finest and coolest hall in the colony. Debut of Mr L. Laynez and Miss Bascans. Debut of Ching Ling Foo Troupe on Wednesday. Prices are slightly raised due to heavy expenses of this troupe.
The management of the Victoria Theatre has engaged Mr Ralph Brown who is walking around the world to appear for two nights only, Wednesday and Thursday, in 'Something New.'
(Des Voeux Road Central) From 7:15 to 8:45 p.m. and 9:15 to 11:15 p.m. New and magnificent films. Performance by The Harmonious Huxhams tonight. Debut by Mr Frank Brown on Wednesday for two nights only. Matinees on Saturdays and Sundays at 4:30 p.m.
(Des Voeux Road Central) From 7:15 to 8:45 p.m. and 9:15 to 11:15 p.m. The finest and coolest hall in the colony. Performance by The Harmonious Huxhams tonight. Debut of Mr Ralph Brown for two nights only. Matinees on Saturdays and Sundays at 4:30 p.m. Harris and Vernon are coming.
Miss Lynda Davis, the band of K.O.Y.L.I. and H.M.S. Merlin performed in Victoria Theatre. Mr Clair Brown appeared for the first time in Hongkong and created a favourable impression.
A bazaar and fancy fete will be held (by kind permission of the commandant and officers of the Hongkong Volunteer Corps) on the Volunteer Parade Ground, on Saturday, October 19th from 2.30 to 6.30 p.m.; many novelties that are suitable for Christmas presents, including Children's play…