A History Of Film Exhibition And Reception In Colonial Hong Kong: 1897 To 1925
Displaying 1 - 20 of 56
Headline: Bijou
Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1913-02-22 - 1913-02-25

Programme at 9:15 p.m. World's news in pictures, Pathe Gazette, is included. Programme including a fine scenic, 'The River Clyde'; 'School of Gymnasts' [sic]; 'A True Fish Story'; 'Rinking Mad.' The drama, Nais Miscoulin. Performances by Miss Cecile…

Headline: Bijou
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1913-02-24 - 1913-02-25

9.15 programme: World's News in Pictures by Pathe Gazette, 'Wiffles Tries Cinema Acting,' 'The River Clyde' (a fine scenic), 'School of Gymnasts' [sic], 'A True Fish Story,' and 'Rinking Mad'; 'Nais Miscovlin' (drama); performances…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1913-02-27

The picture programme is capitally varied and includes some good comics. Currently events are shown on the Pathe Gazette, the latest happenings being all faithfully recorded. An interesting film shows some of the extraordinary fears that are accomplished at the School of Gymnastics at Tanville.…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1920-01-05

The second of a notable series of productions made by Frank Keenan, in which he appears as the star, opened its run at the Victoria Theatre yesterday. It is called 'Gates of Brass.' Mr. Keenan has surrounded himself with a cast of exceptional ability, including Lois Wilson, George…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1920-01-05

In 'Gates of Brass' to be shown tonight at the Victoria Theatre, Frank Keenan gives one of the most fascinating and powerful performance on the screen. He is supported by Lois Wilson, George Fisher, Clyde Benston [sic], Edwin Tilton, Lillian Langdon and Frank De Loan. The play is…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1920-09-27

The Coronet Theatre, in presenting 'The Gay Old Dog' tonight, is giving the public one of the photoplay treats of the year. Hobart Henley produced and directed the film from the original short story by Edna Ferber. The main roles are portrayed by John Cumberland and Gertrude Robinson,…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1921-04-22

Constance Talmadge in 'A Virtuous Vamp,' is the 'First National' attraction to appear at the Coronet for a four days' run, beginning today. This is from Clyde Fitch's great laughing success, 'The Bachelor.' Film synopsis included.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1921-07-23

The Devil's Pass Key' is the current attraction at the Wo Ping Theatre. Starring Una Trevelyn, Maud [sic] George, Mae Busch, Samuel de Grasse and Clyde Fillimore [sic]. Music was supplied by Coronet Orchestra. A fine tropical gazette showing the Australian cricketers at play, the…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1921-11-07

Eva Novak, who won her first screen success in 'Wanted at Headquarters,' charmed a packed house at the Hongkong Theatre on Saturday in her latest Universal photodrama, 'Wolves of the North.' The story was written and directed by Norman Dawn. Meanwhile, Eva Novak is supported…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1922-08-25
Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1922-11-25

Outside Woman,' the latest Wanda Hawley picture for Realart opens at the World Theatre. The film also starred by Clyde Fillmore, Sidney Bracey and Rosita Martini. Film plot included.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1923-11-10
Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1923-11-17
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1923-11-20 - 1923-11-21

Tue. 20th & Wed. 21st November at 5.15 p.m. & 9.15 p.m., 'The Midnight Guest' featuring Grace Darmord, Mahlon Hamilton and Clyde Fillmore. Usual prices. Booking at the Theatre.

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1923-11-20 - 1923-11-21

Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., 'The Midnight Guest' featuring Grace Darmond, Mahlon Hamilton and Clyde Fillmore. Usual prices. Booking at the theatre.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1923-11-20 - 1923-11-21

Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st November at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., 'The Midnight Guest' featuring Grace Darmond, Mahlon Hamilton and Clyde Fillmore. Usual prices. Booking at the Theatre. November 21 Remarks: Plot and illustration included.

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1923-11-21 - 1923-11-21

A dramatic portrayed by a great cast featuring Grace Darmond, Mahlon Hamilton and Clyde Fillmore, 'The Midnight Guest,' a Universal attraction. Illustration included.

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1923-11-21

World Theatre is screening an all-star Universal picture, entitled 'The Midnight Guest,' featuring Mahlon Hamilton, Clyde Fillmore and Grace Darmond. George Archainbaud directed the film. The story was written by Rupert Julian, the director of 'Merry-Go-Round.'

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1923-11-21

Three players well cast add to the strength of 'The Midnight Guest,' the Universal all-star attraction which opened at the World Theatre last night. Mahlon Hamiton as the cynic, Clyde Fillmore as the optimist and Grace Darmond as the woman of the story are the three principal players.…