Last night, Professor Charver gave a luminary exhibition of the latest invention in phantasmagoria in St. Andrew's Hall to a select party of press representatives and other gentlemen. There is a description of the screening of Cinematograph: a long strip of photographic film is wound from…
Matinee for children, when the Queen's Jubilee Views will be exhibited besides other interesting and amusing for the little folks. As for the 9.15 p.m. section, last opportunity to see the Queen's Jubilee Pictures and others so highly spoken of by the press. Booking at the Robinson…
The latest and most perfect animated pictures direct from London to Hong Kong. Complete set of Pictures of the Coronation Festivities. Vide Shanghai Press of last Winter. Plan at the Robinson Riano Co., Ltd. T. J. Stevenson is the Proprietor.
There will be a Bioscope Exhibition at 37 Elgin Street, Kowloon tonight, commencing at 7 p.m. It will be given by the American Specialty and Bioscope Co., and press notices in Australian contemporaries praise the show very highly. Prices of admission are low.
The annual Fire Brigade competition took place this afternoon at the rear of the Ko Shing Theatre when various drills were gone through. The exhibition was witnessed by His Excellency the Governor and a party from Government House, while all the points of vantage round the open space were…
The attendance at Chinese theatrical performances does not appear to be affected by hot weather. The Ko Shing, West Point is continually crowded and sometimes literally packed, so that the authorities are compelled to step in to ensure public safety. A Chinese official from Ko Shing was summoned…
In the Court yesterday, Tang Yu brought an action against Auguste Daufresne claiming $150 alleged to be due as wages at $30 a month from April 1st, 1908 to August 31st, 1908. For the last five months, the defendant had employed plaintiff as a workman at a cinematograph in Hongkong. His wages had…
Charles Nugent sued Auguste Daufresne and claimed $1000 balance due as money paid for and on behalf of the defendant. The court continues to deal with the case. The defendant said he had nothing to do with the Union Commerical Company. The witness had an agreement with the Hongkong Cinematograph…
The hearing was continued of the action in which Charles Nuget [sic] sued Auguste Daufresne. The defendant said that two accounts were paid by the Union Commercial.
Mrs. May, president of the Ministering Children's League, wants to specially thank Mrs. Tomkins, Mrs. Peter, Mrs. Eves, Miss Loureiro, Mrs Jordan, Mrs. Seth, Mrs. H. W. Bird, for helping Messrs. W. Powell and Company, Messrs Lane Crawford and Company, Wesmann Limited, Chazalon and Company,…
At the time of the arrival of the late Prince Ito at Harbin Station, a number of Russian cinematograph photographers were taking pictures of the various scenes. On the 17th, they were sold to Mr. Tanomogi, of the Japan Press Agency, Tokio, for the sum of 15,000 yen, the highest price ever paid…
The cinematograph showed the assassination of Prince Ito to the public at the Wrestling Amphitheatre, Ryogoku, under the auspices of Mr. Tanomogi, proprietor of the Japan Press Association.
Under the auspices of the Odd Volumes Society, Mr. J. B. Suttor, Commercial Commissioner for New South Wales will lecture at the City Hall on Thursday, at 5:15 p.m., on Australian life. The lecture will be illustrated by cinematograph pictures, specially taken for the New South Wales Government…
In St. Andrew's Hall, Mr. J. B. Suttor, the Commercial Commissioner in the East for New South Wales, delivered a lecture on Australia, in the course of which reference was made to statistics of the commercial, industrial and material progress of Australia, its climate conditions and…
A very interesting lecture in Australia was given at the City Hall on Thursday evening, under the auspices of the Old Volumes Society by Mr J. B. Suttor, Commercial Commissioner in the East for New South Wales. Interesting cinematograph films illustrative of the scenery, sport, the farm etc.,…
Messrs Ramos and Ramos make a specialty of introducing the best artist to the Hongkong public and their latest success is Mr Frank Melrose, a great London comedian, who is known in all parts of the world. His Press notices alone fill several large albums so that he came to Hongkong to appear at…
According to a report in Singapore Free Press, the adaptability of the cinematograph to practical education is being rapidly recognised in England. The effect of the cinematograph on the juvenile mind was the subject of a lecture recently delivered at Birmingham University by Mr. H. Holman.…
Hughes Company will appear for a short season only at the Victoria Hall. According to the Shanghai press, it is having an unprecedented success there at present.
The municipal authorities of Strasburg believe, in order to avoid the dispute between the press and the power, what can and cannot be included in the cinematograph film have to be discussed. Points from whether to include the press as the co-operators in the censorship have been discussed.
A great commercial war has broken in the cinema trade. One side is the Pathe Freres, and the other is the three trade societies, The Film Renter's Association, the Kinematograph Manufacturers' Association, and the Cinematograph Exhibitors' Association. There's a very detailed…