On Apr 12, the magnificent picture, 3rd series of 'What Happened to Mary,' 1st series will be screened at 5.15 p.m. on Wed, 2nd at 5 p.m. on Sat; On Tue, 3rd parts of Pathe's masterpiece, 'On the Ocean Battlefields'; 'Sherlock Holmes' by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle…
Film screenings including 'What Happeened to Mary' (3 series, 6 parts, 18,000 ft), 'Sherlook Holmes' the 1st Series Speckled Band and Silver Blaze; Screening of the Pathe's Great Picture: 'On the Ocean Battlefields'
Film screenings including 'What Happeened to Mary' (3 series, 6 parts, 18,000 ft), 'Sherlook Holmes' the 1st Series Speckled Band and Silver Blaze; Screening of the Pathe's Great Picture: 'On the Ocean Battlefields'
Films screenings including 'Max Linder's Elopement' (2 parts, 3,000 ft), 'Bell's Stratagem'; Screening of Pathe's British Gazette, Gaumont Graphic and varies other interesting films; Coming film: 2nd Series of 'What Happened to Mary' and '…
Films screenings including 'Max Linder's Elopement' (2 parts, 3,000 ft), 'Bell's Stratagem'; Screening of Pathe's British Gazette, Gaumont Graphic and varies other interesting films; Coming film: 2nd Series of 'What Happened to Mary' and '…
The new programme at the Victoria Theatre is the most excellent one. It contains two complete episodes from Sir A. Conan Doyle's 'Sherlock Holmes,' two sets of very fine war pictures, various comics, and probably one of the best life pictures.
The story by Sir A. C. Doyle, 'Sherlock Holmes,' is to be filmed tonight at the Victoria Theatre. 'Wiffles' is one of the many comic pictures to be shown.
1. 'The Symbol of Sacrifice,' in 7 parts (10,000 feet) produced by African Film Productions Ltd and dealing with Zulu War; 2. 'A Turf Conspiracy,' a Broadwest all-British super-productions on Nat Gould's novel and featuring England's foremost cinema stars, Violet…