Edison's latest wonder, the Animatoscope, will be exhibited at the Theatre Royal on Saturday Night, the 21st August, at 9 p.m., also the 23rd, 26th and 28th. The programme presented before Sir Claude MacDonald at the British Legation, Peking, will be repeated. Tickets may be had at Messrs.…
Animatoscope will be exhibited at the Theatre Royal on Saturday night, August 21st, at 9 p.m. and on Monday, Thursday and Saturday next. The programme presented before Sir Claude MacDonald at the British Legation, Peking, will be repeated. Tickets may be had at Messrs. Robinson & Co.'s…
Edison's latest wonder, the Animatoscope, will be exhibited at the Theatre Royal tonight (Thursday), the 26th August, at 9 p.m., also 28th. There was a complete change of programme. Tickets may be had at Messrs. Robinson & Co.'s or at the Door.
Animatoscope will be exhibited at the Theatre Royal Tonight (Thursday), and Saturday, the 26th and 28th August, at 9 p.m. Complete change of programme. Tickets may be had at Messrs. Robinson & Co.'s or at the Door. Admission: Dress Circle $2 & $1; Stalls $2, $1 & 50 cents.
There has been bad blood existing between the ticket collector of the Tai Ping Theatre and a cook from the Hongkong Club. The cook and a coolie were arrested.
A cook employed in the Po Hing Theatre in Yaumati, was arrested last night for blocking the exits of the theatre.
The Cook of the Ko Shing Theatre on getting up in the morning at 4 o'clock found a man in the kitchen. The man could not account for his presence there and was given in custody. He told his worship that he was looking for a friend. He was sentenced to three weeks of hard labour and 6 hours…
Lieut. Graetz, the German officer who has undertaken a motor-boat trip of 6,000 miles across the African Continent from the Indian to the Atlantic Ocean. There is a party including a French cinematograph operator and a native cook.
Change of programme for 23rd, 24th and 25th Aug, the following magnificent pictures will be screened: the dramatic film 'The Power of Love' (in three parts), the comic pictures, 'To Save Her Mistress,' 'A School Romance,' 'Hello Central,' 'Wiffles…
Mr Rudyard Kipling talked to an audience of geographers in Queen's Hall about different aspects of travel and how smells recall. Hence, it is perceived that people can move in three dimensions. 'I knew one man who said he could run any road that he had marched over, backward between…
Films screenings including 'Max Becomes a Cook', 'They'll Never Do It Again' and 'An Equine Hero'; Screening of War Pictures; Performance by May Clarke
War Pictures; 'Max Becomes A Cook,' great comic; 'They'll Never Do It'; 'An Equine Hero,' drama; performance by Clarke.
Films screenings including 'Playing of an Hour' (2 parts, 3,000 ft), 'The Brighter Star' and 'Max Becomes a Cook'; Screening of War pictures; Performance by May Clarke
On Feb 20, the powerful drama 'Plaything of An Hour' in 2 parts - length 3,000 feet; 'The Brighter Star,' drama; 'Max Becomes A Cook,' great comic; War Picture; performance by Clarke.
Films screenings inclduing 'Playing of an Hour' (2 parts, 3,000 ft), 'The Brighter Star' and 'Max Becomes a Cook'; Screening of War pictures; Performance by May Clarke
Apart from 'Lucille Love' and 'Court Intrigues,' Victoria Theatre is now showing 'Tommy Cooks,' 'Heinze's Resurrection' and the latest events in the world's news from the animated gazette. 'Honesty' will also be shown tonight.
On Nov 17, 9th and 10th episodes of 'Red Circle': Dodging the Law and Excess of baggage; instructive: Vultures; interesting: Pathe's 'British Gazette'; comics: 'Hogan's Mushy Job' [sic], 'Opened by Mistake,' and 'Max Becomes Cook'; on…
Screening of 'The Red Circle' (9th & 10th episodes), Pathe's British Gazette, Comics: 'Hogans Mushy Job', 'Opened by Mistake' and 'Max Becomes Cook'; Coming film: 'The Defence of Verdun'
Screening of 'The Red Circle' (9th and 10th episodes), 'Max Becomes a Cook' featuring Max Linder, Pathe's British Gazette No. 383 and Comics
Tonight: Screening of 'The Red Circle' (9th and 10th episodes), 'Max Becomes a Cook' featuring Max Linder, Pathe's British Gazette No. 383 and Comics