Grand opening night for a few nights only. Sensational novelties including bare foot dancing on glasses by Professor Vicente Kemppo
For a few nights only. Sensational novelties including bare foot dancing on glasses by Professor Vicente Kemppo
The same as was shown at the Hongkong University Bazaar, will be open to the public from Wednesday, 1st May, 1912, at the old Land Office in Queen's Road (opposite the foot of D'Aguilar St.); 86 extra films will be exhibited, so that passengers may go Round the Globe with all the…
The Scenic Railway which proved so great an attraction at the University Bazaar, and which was subsequently sold, will be open to the public from Wednesday next May 1. It is being fixed up in the old Land Office in Queen's Road, opposite the foot of D'Aguilar Street.
Films screening of 'At the Foot of the Scaffold' (2 parts) and 'Wheat and Tares' (2 parts); Screening of The latest Gaumint Graphic; Also some very comic films; Coming film: 'Queen's Jewels'
Tonight at 9.15, the dramatic picture 'At the Foot of the Scaffold' in 2 parts, 'Wheat and Tares' in 2 parts, the latest Gaumont Graphic and some very comic films; the thrilling drama 'Queen's Jewels' in 3 parts on July 3.
The two dramatic films, 'Wheat and Tares' and 'At the Foot of the Scaffold,' are full of thrilling happenings. In addition to these, there are three funny comic films and Gaumont Graphic, showing the world's latest news at the Victoria Theatre.
Films screenings including 'Michael Perrin' (5 parts) and 'A Misplaced Foot'; Orchestra in attendance
On May 26, 27, and 28, 'Michael Perrin,' historical drama in 5 parts; 'A Misplaced Foot,' comic; orchestra performance at 9.15 p.m.
On Feb 1, the two powerful dramas 'Nelly' in 2 reels, and 'At the Foot of the Scaffold'; 'Motor Guns at the Battle Front,' Pathe's British Gazette; 'Training a Virago'; 'Peace in the Family'; 'Max as a Chiropdist.'
In point of plot and of acting 'The Sin of Jean Perlot' is one of the greatest successes Messrs Pathe have achieved. Other items include Pathe's British Gazette, the French Troops in Alsace, some comics and an American drama entitled 'The Heart of Maggie Malone.'…
The dramas in 2 reels, 'Nelly' and 'At the Foot of the Scaffold.' Interesting pictures including 'Motor Guns at the Battle Front' and 'Training a Virago.' Pathe's British Gazette included. Comics including 'Peace in the Family' and 'Max…
Films screenings including 'Nelly' (2 reels), 'At the Foot of the Scaffold', 'Motor Guns at the Battle Front', 'Training a Virago', 'Peace in the Family' and 'Max as a Chiropidist'; Screening of Pathe's British Gazette
Films screenings including 'Nelly' (2 reels), 'At the Foot of the Scaffold', 'Motor Guns at the Battle Front', 'Training a Virago', 'Peace in the Family' and 'Max as a Chiropidist'; Screening of Pathe's British Gazette
New York, December 27 – Masked man bound four persons hand and foot at the Star Theatre, Lexington Avenue, early this morning, prised off the door of the safe in the ticket-office, and took the receipts of the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday performances. The janitor, his wife, the watchman, and a…
Film screening of 'The Hypocrites', presented by M. H. Newman, featuring Courtenay Foote
The Hypocrites' is to be shown at Victoria Theatre with Mr Courtenay Foote taking the leading role. Some reviewer's comment included.
Films screenings including 'Exploits of Elaine' (13th and last episode), 'Col. Heza Liar. Champion Boxer of Central Africa' (Keystone) and 'Wiffles Puts His Foot in it'; Screening of Pathe's British Gazette
A Chaplin Night: Screening of 'Charlie the Tramp', 'Charlie in the Park', 'Charlie by the Sea', 'Caught in a Cabaret' (2 parts), 'Gay, Giddy and Tickish', 'Her Last Chance' and 'Col. Heza Liar'; Also screening of 'Wiffles…
Music hath charms even in a cinema, but there are occasions when the selections chosen seem to lack the saving grace of appropriateness. It was a picture of the most melodramatic type. Foot after foot of flickering film with blood and thunder in every inch of it was reeled off before a…