This evening, there will be screened at the Bijou the first number of Pathe's War Gazette. This film is 1,500 feet long and includes other interesting items, including: A captured German ship being towed into Yarmouth Harbour, the French trips crossing the frontier into Germany, Earl…
The second film of Pathe's War Gazette has been received in Hong Kong and will be shown at the Bijou Theatre. The pictures include the first prize of war, a German ship being towed into Yarmouth; the entry of the French into Alsace and paying off British troops. Scenes in Paris on the…
A coolie was yesterday fined $5 by Mr Orme for distributing advertisements in connection with the Eastern Cinema without a permit from the Secretary for Chinese Affairs. Inspector Kent said he had seen the Manager of the Cinema, who said it was an oversight on his part that the advertisements…
Other Men's Shoes,' Edgar Lewis' potent drama, released by Pathe, is showing now and until Thursday at the Coronet. The cast included Craufurd Kent [sic], Irene Boyle, Jean P. Wade, Phil Sanford and Bobby Connelly. Film synopsis included.
A series of boxing contests were staged at the New Victoria Theatre, Kau-U-Fong, on Saturday night. Party involved: Lau Ting Cheong, Chan Shu Chee, E King Tat, Chan Kom Hee, Marriott, Wilkinson, Lan Hung Cheung, Chung Shu Lung, Gough, Kent, Pau, N. Feroz, M. Sheriff, Ho Cheong Ling, Leng Hung…
May McAvoy and Bruce Gordon will be co-starred at the World Theatre tonight in 'Forbidden Valley,' J. Stuart Blackton's newest Pathe feature. It is noted that the story is originally written by Randolph Lewis. In addition, May McAvoy and Bruce Gordon are supported by William R.…
Silas Marner,' an Associated Exhibitors' picture directed by Frank J. Donovan [sic], will take place of 'Dream Street' at the Coronet Theatre today and is to remain there for the balance of the week. It is adapted from the novel written by George Eliot. In turn, the title…
A representative of the Ko Shing Theatre was fined $100 by Mr. R. E. Lindsell yesterday for overcrowding the theatre on the night of March 31st. It was stated by Inspector Kent that the gangways in the theatre were blocked by about three hundred people and were absolutely impassable.
January 6th to 8th, 'The Self-Made Wife' featuring Ethel Grey Terry and Craufurd [sic] Kent.
January 7th & 8th at 5.15 & 9.15 p.m., 'The Self Made Wife' with Ethel Grey Terry and Graufurd [sic] Kent. Usual price. Booking at the Theatre.
January 7th and 8th at 5.15 p.m. and 9.15 p.m., 'The Self-Made Wife,' with an all-star cast featuring Ethel Grey Terry and Crauford Kent. Usual prices. Booking at the theatre.
January 7th and 8th at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., 'The Self-Made Wife,' with an all-star cast featuring Ethel Grey Terry and Graufurd [sic] Kent. Usual prices. Booking at the Theatre.
Men! What is your ideal type of wife? You'd better make an appointment to see 'The Self-Made Wife.' Women! What is your ideal type of husband? See 'The Self-Made Wife' for a ready-made answer. 'The Self-Made Wife,' with an all-star cast featuring Ethel Grey…
Commencing Wednesday 20th, Carl Laemmle presents Jack London's 'The Abysmal Brute' starring Reginald Denny, with a great supporting cast including Mabel Julienne Scott, Crauford Kent, Hayden Stevenson, Buddy Messinger and David Torrence, a Hobart Henley production, Universal-Jewel…
July 7 Remarks: Teaser ads for the film 'Daddies.' The ads didn't mention the theatre's name, surmised from other ads. July 8 Remarks: The screen version of John Hobble's play made a Broadway triumph by David Belasco featuring Mae Marsh & Harry Myers in an all-star…
Commencing tomorrow till Saturday, 'Daddies,' the screen version of John Hobble's play made a Broadway triumph by David Belasco featuring Mae Marsh and Harry Myers, in an all-star cast including Claude Gillingwater, Claire Adams, Willard Louis and Crauford Kent.
Wed. 9th to Sat. 12th at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Mae Marsh and Harry Myers with Claude Gillingwater, Claire Adams, Willard Louis & Craufurd [sic] Kent. Also, The Canton Troops, a Canton film news producted by China Sun Motion Pictre Co. Usual prices.
Wednesday 9th to Saturday 12th at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., deluxe attraction, Mae Marsh and Harry Myers with Claude Gillingwater, Claire Adams, Willard Louis and Crauford Kent in 'Daddies.' Also 'The Canton Troops,' Canton film news produced by China Sun Motion Picture Co. Usual…