The League of Ministering Children is a charity organization. Its aim is to help blind and destitute children. Details of the fundraising activities, the Bazaar and Fancy Fete, have already appeared in the newspaper's advertising columns. The variety entertainments, the Cinematograph, and…
The entertainment which is to be given under the auspices of the St. John Ambulance Brigade at the Victoria Theatre on October 12, in aid of the Joint Fund of the St. John Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross Society. The entertainment will be under the distinguished patronage of H. E…
Entertainment will be given under the auspices of the St. John Ambulance Brigade at the Victoria Theatre. A varied and extensive programme has provided, including the Police Reserve Orchestra, Mr. Denman Fuller, Mrs. Aubrey and Miss Dione May, Misses Gordon, Mrs. Hill, Miss Mary Hyde, Mr. P. P.…
It was evident from the packed condition of the Victoria Theatre last night that local people are prepared to open their purses for no worthy an object as the 'Our Day' Fund. Everybody was there, including H. E. the Governor, Lady and the Misses May and H. E. Major General Ventris and…
All next week, Coronet Theatre is going to screen 'My Wild Irish Rose' a Vitagraph picture containing three heroes and three heroines. The story is an adaptation from 'The Shaughraun,' the melodrama by Dion Bouccicault [sic].
My Wild Irish Rose,' a Vitagraph production starring Pauline Starke and Pat O'Malley, will be an attraction at the Coronet Theatre all this week. It has been adapted from a famous old stage melodrama 'The Shaughraun' by Dion Boucicault. Film plot included.
My Wild Irish Rose,' which is a film version of 'The Shaughraun,' the famous old melodrama by Dion Biucicault, will be an attraction at the Coronet Theatre all the week. Pat O. Malley and Pauline Starke share the leading parts of the film. Film plot included.
My Wild Irish Rose,' is the special attraction of Coronet this week. It was adapted from 'The Shaughran' by Dion Bouccicault [sic]. Film plot included.
Tonight for the last time, the Coronet shows Rex Ingram's superb presentation of Anthony Hope's masterpiece, 'The Prisoner of Zenda.' '$2 in Shanghai, $1 here,' and the Star shows George Arliss in 'Disraeli.' Tomorrow the Coronet has Reginald Denny in…
My Wild Irish Rose,' a production taken from the famous stage success 'The Shaughraun,' which is to be shown at the Star for two days beginning tomorrow. No writer knew the Irish better than Dion Boucicalt. He himself played the principal role and became famous in the seventies as…
Today only at 5.15 p.m. & 9.15 p.m., Robinson-Cole [sic] presents 'Silent Years' with Rose Dione, Pauline Starke, Tully Marshall and George Seigman [sic]. Usual prices. Booking at the Theatre. Remarks: Another ad. on page 4, film plot included.
Today only, Robertson-Cole Pictures presents 'Silent Years,' played by an all-star cast including Rose Dione, Tully Marshall, Pauline Starke. Usual prices. Booking at the theatre.
Today only, at 5.15 p.m. and 9.15 p.m., Robertson-Cole Pictures presents 'Silent Years,' by a brilliant cast headed by Rose Dione, Pauline Starke, Tully Marshall and George Siegmann.
World Theatre is screening the film version of Harriet Comstock's novel 'Mam'selle Jo,' entitled 'Silent Years.' The R-C picture is produced by L. J. Gasnier. The film exhibits picturesque scenes from St. Lawrence River in Canada. The photoplay features French…
One of the most brilliant casts of the year, including such noted players as Pauline Starke, Rose Dione and Tully Marshall; a story of uncommon interest laid in that most picturesque region on the American continent, and the superb direction by Louis J. Gasnier all combine to make 'Silent…