Great Change of Programme. A magnificent film, 'Ali Baba or the Forty Thieves' [sic]. Fregolini, transformist and monologue. Dorothy and her songs. Funny bob-bob (R.A. Macdonald) new songs. Two Performances nightly. Don't forget the address: Des Voeux Road, Pottinger Street.
Sharks have been seen by coastguards off Polperro Cornwall. Mr. Arthur D. Mavity, a member of a film company, who was supposed to rescue a girl (Miss Dorothy Keen) from drowning in Falland Bay was rescued in an exhausted condition.
Last night, Nov 12, Midnight at Maxim's, the Maxim, Bustanoby and Rector beauties together with Baroness Ormard von Rottenthall, Leo Pirnikoff and Ethel Rose, the cameron girls, Bert Weston and Dorothy Ozuman; special music performance; also Charles Chaplin in the 'Property Man'…
The Nigger,' a six-reel drama, will be shown for four nights. William Farnum is the leading actor. This is the first of a series Famous Player Co. films to be shown in Victoria. The film also scored signal successes at the London Shaftesbury Picture Palace and the New York Hippodrome. Later…
Film screening of 'The Nigger' (5 parts), presented by William Farnum
On Mar 6-9, 'The Nigger' in 5 parts, presenting Mr. William Farnumin the most sensational heart-rending and emotional photoplay ever produced, depicting the liquor and race problems of America in 1846, introducing to the public of South China, the first of a series of famous photoplays…
Screening of 'An Officer and A Gentleman' by Vitagraph Company, 'Living Fear' by Lubin Company, 'When East Comes West'; Comics: 'Dorothy Dandbridge', 'Three of A Kind' and 'The New Pupil'
An exceedingly exciting story in three reels by the Vitagraph Company, 'An Officer and a Gentleman'; a sensational drama 'Living Fear' by the Lubin Company in 2 reels; 'When East Comes West,' smuggling drama; comics: 'Dorothy Dandbridge'; 'Three of a…
The week's programme at the Hongkong Theatre is very attractive with Paramount photo-play 'Each Pearl a Tear,' the first five parts of 'A Daughter of the Gods' and another serial 'The Secret Kingdom' featuring Chas. Richman, Dorothy Kelly and Arline Pretty will…
The Stunts' was successful and well-received from the audiences last evening. The performers in the programme included: Misses Elfrida Osmund, Dorothy Razavet, Olga Demee, Messrs A. Ramsey, H. Ramsey, D. d' Almada e Castro and Master G. Razavet. More performers included in the second…
Mr. P. A. Rosario and his happy band of 'stunts' could not have wished to have seen a larger house than that at the Victoria Theatre last night. The 'Stunts' led off with that very amusing farce 'My Lord in Livery' the theme of which is familiar to many, but which…
A thrilling picture 'When a Man Sees Red' will be screened at the Victoria Theatre. This film is produced by William Fox and featured William Farnum.
November 28th, 29th, 30th and December 1st, 9.15 performance, William Farnum in 'When A Man Sees Red' and 'Roaring Lions and Wedding Bells.' Booking at Anderson's.
November 28th to December 1st, four nights only, special announcement, William Fox presents William Farnum in 'When a Man Sees Red,' a romance of the South Sea Isles. Price details and picture included. Booking at Anderson's.
November 28 - December 1. Performance. William Farnum in 'When a Man Sees Red' and 'Roaring Lions and Wedding Bells.' Booking at Anderson's.
Cinema-goers can look forward to a really magnificent film at the Victoria Theatre tonight and the three succeeding nights. This is the William Fox super production 'When a Man Sees Red,' which features William Farnum, the famous cinema actor. The story is a romance of the South Seas…
Every seat was taken at the Victoria Theatre last night, the large audience enjoying that famous picture 'When a Man Sees Red' with an enthusiasm which has seldom been witnessed in Hong Kong. The film came to the Colony, due to the enterprise of the management of the Victoria Theatre.…
A packed house attended Victoria Theatre to see 'When a Man sees Red.' The film is full of powerful incidents with William Farnum playing the leading role. It is based on Larry Evan's well-known story. Film synopsis included. Completing the programme is an amusing picture '…
January 13th, 14th and 15th at 6 and 9.15 p.m., Willian Farnum in Henri Bernstein's great play, 'Samson,' etc. Booking at Robinson's.
Tonight, William Farnum in Henri Bernstein's Great Play 'Samson.' Booking at Robinson's.