A most attractive film is being presented at the Hongkong Theatre entitled 'Lest we Forget.' Film synopsis included. Another fine production from Gilbert A. Hamilton [sic] entitled 'Are Passions inherited?' will be screened at Friday's matinee. It features Dorothy Farley…
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Dorothea Farley in 'Are Passions Inherited?' a tragedy of the generations in seven reels. Usual prices. Booking at the theatre.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Dorathea [sic] Farley in 'Are Passions Inherited?' in 7 reels. At 7.15 p.m., Ben Wilson in 'The Mystery Ship' 1st, 2nd and 3rd episodes.
Coronet Theatre will be screening 'The Acquittal.' Great attention has been given to the filming of the courtroom scene. The film features Claire Windsor. The cast also includes Barbara Bedford who is famous for her performance in 'The Spoilers,' Richard Travers, Charles…
The Acquittal,' comes to the Coronet Theatre this evening as the feature attraction. The picture starred by Norman Kerry, Claire Windsor, Barbara Bedford, Richard Travers, Charles Wellesley, Frederick Vroom, Ben Deely [sic], Don Farley and Harry Mestayer. Film plot included.
Transforming a spoken play into moving picture is a strange task; the task of translating words into pantomime. This is the astounding feat Clarence L. Brown has achieved in 'The Acquittal,' new Universal Jewel mystery play, to be screened at the Coronet Theatre this evening. Film…
Starting Tuesday at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15 p.m., 'The Signal Tower,' starring Virginia Valli, with a splendid supporting cast including Wallace Beery, Rockliffe Fellowes, Frankie Darro, Hayden Stevenson, Dot Farley and J. Farrell MacDonald. 'The Signal Tower' was released…
Madam Kelvey must have been gratified by the large and appreciative audiences which assembled in the Star Theatre last night to witness the second public performance of her talented pupils. The gorgeousness of staging and costumes materially contributed to the success of the evening. Pleasing…