It has been announced that Norma Whalley, the actress, who recently obtained a divorce from Sherrie Matthews, in New York, was married on August 2 to E. P. Clarke, son of Sir Edward Clarke, K.C. The ceremony took place in St. James' Church, Piccadilly.
Des Voeux Road (Opposite to Central Market) For a short season only. Commencing Tuesday, 24th March. 3 performances each evening. Walter E. Deaves' and Vaudeville Co. with English Marionettes. Tour of the World. Price and schedule details included.
Open-air cinematograph show in the hotel gardens every Saturday and Sunday; Assorted ices would be served on the Lawn during the performance
Two performances every night including magnificent comic and dramatic films; Performance from the French Artistes Mlle. Cecilia & Mr. C. Verari, and the talented singer and dancer of the Tivoli Theatre of Sydney, Miss Ph. E. MacDonald
The Victoria Cinematograph continues to enjoy popularity, The films at present being shown are new and entertaining, and Miss Phyllis E. Macdonald is a great favourite. Her catchy songs and choruses are much enjoyed.
The programme this week at the Victoria Cinematograph is both varied and interesting. Apart from the amusement provided by pictures. Miss Phyllis E. Macdonald, Miss Cecilia and Mr Verard both provided their fine vocal efforts.
Apart from the performance by Miss Phyllis E. Macdonald, Miss Cecilia and Mr Verard, Victoria Cinematograph shows pictures, including 'The Brigands of Calabria,' a film which shows the colour of the scenery being most faithfully reproduced. 'A Gamble for a woman' is also very…
Two performances every night including magnificent comics and dramatic films; Performance from Miss Ph. E. MacDonald, and the well-known tenor Genor Torras; Programme change every second day
Miss P. E. Macdonald continues to draw large audiences and there is also an amusing lot of pictures exhibited. Mr Torras meets with a warm welcome and the entertainment provided is always very interesting. We learn that family tickets can be purchased but are only available from Monday to Friday…
The celebrated artist Miss Phyllis E. Macdonald. Two performances nightly. Schedule details included. Tickets can also be obtained at the Robinson Piano Co. Don't forget the address: Des Voeux Road (Pottinger Street Corner).
We have received a photograph of the spacious and beautiful interior of the new Empire Theatre, Calcutta, of which Mr. Maurice E. Bandmann is half-owner and manager.
Premier hall of Hong Kong. Special programme. Farewell performance of the well-known transformist, E. Fregolini. Sisters Lee, Sisters Coleman and Troupe Engel. New films.
Premier hall of Hong Kong. Special programme. E. Fregolini for three nights only. Sisters Lee, Sisters Coleman and Troupe Engel. New films.
Tonight a benefit performance will be given to the Engel Troupe at the Victoria Cinematograph. Professor E. Fregolini the transformist will give his final performance before proceeding to Europe. A magnificent new film 'Christmas Eve Dream' will also be thrown on the screen.
Mr. Maurice E. Bandmann has in contemplation, we are reliably informed, the erection of a modern theatre on the Gaiety principle in Hongkong, provided he can obtain a good site. Negotiations are already in progress for the erection of a Bandmann theatre in Shanghai, and the great entertainer…
There will be a special performance at the Victoria Cinematograph for the New Year, on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Some very excellent films are to be shown while Miss E. Leslie will appear in new songs and Mr Will Lochrane [sic], is also give new Scotch songs. Two celebrated Australian…
Calcutta, January 4 – Yesterday Mr. Justice Fletcher decided the case of Warwick Major, manager for Mr. Maurice Bandmann, against A. Stephen, proprietor of the Empire Theatre, claiming R15,000 in compensation for telegrams of a defamatory character sent in May last to Mr. Bandmann. – '…
Mr. Maurice E. Bandmann left Hongkong with his comedy company yesterday. We are informed that he has by no means abandoned his project of a suitable theatre for Hongkong, and that is only a question of site.
During his recent visit to Shanghai, Mr. M. E. Bandmann was quietly looking about for some method of obtaining a theatre of his own in Shanghai. We shall probably see new theatres erected in Shanghai and Hongkong before very long.
The 'Bangkok Times' commenting on Mr. Maurice Bandmann's project to build new theatres in the Far East, and to re-build the Theatre Royal, Hong Kong, said the present poor accommodation offers no inducements for the best London companies which visit Africa and Australia to come…