The latest improved projecting machine in which the vibration so noticeable and trying to the eyes is now entirely eliminated. Views of the Queen's Jubilee in London will be the special feature of the Entertainment. The following scenes will be shown: A dispute between Bicyclists; The…
The Cinematograph for one night only. The latest improved projecting Machine in which the vibration so noticeable and trying to the eyes is now entirely eliminated. Views of the Queen's Jubilee in London will be the special feature of the Entertainment. The following scenes will be shown: A…
The public will have an opportunity of seeing one of Edison's latest inventions in the City Hall. The principal feature of the entertainment will be the new 20th-century projectoscope, the latest development of the cinematograph and bioscope, and an immense improvement upon anything that…
It is always more pleasant to praise than to condemn, but the pleasure is not always possible. Quite a large percentage of the last night's audience in the Theatre Royal were disappointed. Either the 'projectoscope' or its operator was at fault. The pictures jerked into all sorts…
The Bioscope is the only one of its kind really worth seeing. Emphasis on the pictures are steady and continuous and do not dazzle the eye. Cinematographic art as exhibited in the leading theatres of Europe and America. Price details included. Seats reserved can be booked at the Robinson Piano…
The Victoria Cinematograph continues to draw large audiences every evening. The pictures this week are up to their usual high-class standard and include 'The Two Pick-pockets,' 'The Gendarme has a keen eye,' 'Music and Poetry,' 'For a Crown.' 'The…
Mr F. Arnold, sub-manager of the Pathe Cinema Machine Co., summoned Mr V. D. Casley, of the Star Cinematograph, for an infringement of a trademark, belonging to the plaintiff company. Mr D. V. Steavenson, of Messrs Deacon, Looker and Deacon, appeared for the prosecution, and Mr Reader Harris, of…
The Star Cinematograph on Flower Street is attracting large crowds every evening to see Moving Pictures that have recently arrived from the United States. All these pictures are new and never been seen before in Hongkong, including 'Rescued from an Eagle's Nest,' 'Cupid'…
Last night, at the Ko Shing Theatre, a series of comic and instructive films were thrown on the screen by the American Cinematograph Company before a preponderatingly Chinese audience. It cannot be said that all the pictures were clear and distinct, several of them being dimmed to an extent…
The forces of social and religious work are found to be closely allied in America. To appeal to the eye and impress the lessons on the mind, many of the lecturers illustrated their lectures with moving picture.
Performances by Cecile Stephano and Dolly Swift; Films screening of 'The Green-eyed Monster', 'From Country to Town', two star Comics and News of the Day; 7.15 pm pictures only
A picture which is intended to pass a little time pleasantly for adults may have an unsettling effect upon school children. Therefore, parents and guardians should keep an eye on the young people under their care. As with theatres, so with literature.
Programme at 9:15 p.m. Performances by Miss Cecile Stephano and Miss Dolly Swift. 'The Green-eyed Monster' by Max Linder. New Britannia film, 'From Country to Town.' News of the day are included. Artistes at all matinees. Pictures only at 7:15 p.m.
Performance by Cecile Stephano and Dolly Swift; 'The Green-eyed Monster,' a new Britannia film by Max Linder, 'From Country to Town,' two star comics; News of the Day; artistes at all matinees.
The Cinema squint' is the latest affliction of the ophthalmic nerve and it is attributed by experts to the picture palace habit. According to an expert who discussed the matter with the 'Daily Sketch' serious eye trouble is prevalent as a consequence of the craze for cinematograph…
In an interesting article in the Dame [sic] the well-known Berlin physician, Dr. Albert Moll, discusses the influence of theatre-going on the infirmity particularly prevalent among highly strung people of our great cities. The cinematograph, where the slight trembling of the pictures is by no…
Performance of The Raggedy Two, Carlyn Phillips and Violet Elbe, dainty ragtime songs and dances; Films screening of 'Devil's Eyes' (4,000 ft) by Nick Winter; Screening of Pathe's Gazette; Soldiers and Sailor's in uniform half price
A new machine, Vanoscope, invented by Lewis C. Van Riper and exhibited by W. J. Robinson, manager of the Vanoscope Company, will replace the flicker from pictures projected upon the normal screen. It is not as tiresome to the eyes and can eliminate the danger of fire. The exhibitors displayed a…
The members of the Sergeants' Mess of the Hong Kong Volunteer Corps gathered at the Head-quarters for their annual dinner. An entertainment was provided in an interesting and amusing series of moving pictures which the dinner committee had very thoughtfully included in the evening's…
Films screenings including 'The Devil's Eyes' (3 parts, 5,000 ft) and 'In the Life'