Last night, an exhibition of the projectoscope was given by Professor Merrcovich in the rooms of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. There was a small attendance. The names of machines for showing the animated pictures appear to be innumerable, and the projectoscope appears to be a…
Extensive alterations and improvements are being made upon the Lyceum Theatre at Shanghai, which has often been described as the best theatre in the Far East. The N. C. Daily News concludes: 'Safety has been attended to in its fire-exits, comfort in the many ways.' It is a pity the…
Last night, a large audience greeted Barnes' Twentieth Century Entertainers on Theatre Royal. Madame Freed was in excellent voice, also with Miss Rosa Barnes. The moving pictures portraying scenes from the famous Dreyfus trial were by far the best that have been seen in Hongkong and gave a…
Extensive building operations are in progress at the Canton Club. The old Club Theatre has been demolished, and we are to have erected a structure which, when finished, will be capable of accommodating the best theatrical companies visiting Hongkong.
On Monday the 'Napoleon of the world's magicians' arrives in the Colony and will stay one week. This magician is from England and had made various performance before the Kings and presidents. His first part of the program is called 'creation and the second part will have a…
The performances will open at Friday, August 3rd. Prices: Best Seats $2 & $1, Back Seats 60 Cents. Tickets for reserved seats at New Connaught Hotel.
Canton, August 20 – The new theatre at the former Longevity Monastery was opened for performances on the 27th day, and the place was exceedingly overcrowded. The people here regard the theatre at the best place for pleasure they can have in Canton.
The new Lock Sing Theatre is doing very good business and people are loud in their praises of the excellent Company engaged and the elegance of the theatre, which is the best that has yet been built in Canton.
A cinematograph exhibition opened at Cafe Weismann. It is reported to be excellent, the mechanical arrangements being of the most modern type, and the pictures being of the best. Electric fans kept the air comfortably cool and altogether a pleasant attraction was offered.
The Cinematograph Pathe in the Weismann's large hall was a success on Sunday night, and the series of scared pictures was highly appreciated by the audience. After a brief interval, a few amusing films were used, and all agreed that they were some of the best seen in the Colony.
The new Victoria Cinematograph is already well established and popular. The films are excellent and varied, and are thoroughly enjoyed. In many ways the management has done their best to deserve patronage, and the practical absence of 'flicker' is a proof that the machine and its…
The play's the thing,' sang the much quoted William. The natives of fair Cathay think similarly. When a popular piece is staged at the Taiping theatre a speculator usually buys up all the best seats and then sells them at the door, or in the streets. One hawker was fined $5.
One Edison Moving Picture Machine with 7,500 feet best French Film (Pathe) and all accessories for sale
For sale. One Edison moving picture machine with 7500 feet best French film (Pathe) and all accessories. On view at Geo. P. Lammert's Sales Rooms, Duddell Street.
Mr Geo. P. Lammert has received instructions to sell by public auction, on Friday, 20th July, 1908, at 12 o'clock. One Edison moving machine with 7500 feet best French film (Pathe) and all accessories.
One Edison Moving Picture Machine with 7,500 feet best French Film (Pathe) and all accessories selling by Public Auction
One Edison Moving Picture Machine with 7,500 feet best French Film (Pathe) and all accessories selling by Public Auction tomorrow
One Edison Moving Picture Machine with 7,500 feet best French Film (Pathe) and all accessories selling by Public Auction today
Crowded houses, nightly, is still the dominant factor at the Victoria Hall. A new film now being shown is 'The Pearl Diver' and is one of the best coloured pictures in the art of cinematography that one could wish to see. The Engel Sisters also appear this week in entirely new songs…
(2 Zetland Street 2) The best cinematograph show in Hong Kong. Every night at 9:15 p.m. Miss R. Giralda - Spanish dances. Miss Hortensia - Spanish songs. Mr Torras - Tenor songs. New songs nightly. New pictures every second night.