The Theatre Royal was fairly well filled on Saturday night by the performance from Elsie Adair, Mr. Vanderlip. Mrs. Jewel and Mr. C. T. Robinson. A number of new and old views were shown with the Vitascope and the graphic fidelity which some of them were animated was warmly applauded by the…
Last night the Ada Delroy Company repeated the programme of their opening night before a fair audience at the Theatre Royal. The Bioscope pictures were capitally shown and afforded much pleasure to the audience.
The exhibition of the Bioscope on Saturday night at the Theatre Royal was hardly up to the standard of such entertainments. The bioscope was not in good working order, necessitating several delays, and the films were in a damaged condition. Some problems and scenes of the pictures were described…
The show of 'moving pictures' at the City Hall on Saturday night drew a fairly large and appreciative audience, and the leading 'actors' in the Britt Nelson night weight contest. The pictures are clear and steady, and certainly make up a unique performance which will attract…
The play's the thing,' sang the much quoted William. The natives of fair Cathay think similarly. When a popular piece is staged at the Taiping theatre a speculator usually buys up all the best seats and then sells them at the door, or in the streets. One hawker was fined $5.
The Alexandra Cinematograph attracts a fairly large audience nightly. The hall has been most artistically decorated and is a distinct credit to the proprietors. For a pleasurable hour in the evening we can command a visit to the hall by Queen's Road Central.
(From Our Own Correspondent) Rev. F. B. Meyer and His Meetings - July 2nd. We have been favoured with the visit of a Cinematograph Show for three nights, Monday to Wednesday, June 28 to 30. This has been fairly well patronised and has been fully up to the average of these most enjoyable…
Shameen, Sept. 14 – A certain amount of mild excitement was occasioned by the recent arrival of an itinerant Japanese cinematograph show. The promoters of the entertainment were fortunate in being able to secure the use of the sports ground for the same, and were rewarded by a fair attendance.…
The Bijou Scenic Theatre has been drawing fairly good houses nightly. Audiences enjoy both Mr. Stephenson and Mr. Collins' performances. On the whole the pictures are very good, particularly the one called 'At a Cinematograph Show.' The film is screamingly funny. A special matinee…
Before fairly crowded houses at the Bijou, Frank Melrose is scoring a great success. Together with the performances by Miss Violet Bonnetta and Mr. Bob Stephenson. The talent now appearing at the Bijou, combined with the interesting films, is quite a good show.
At the Victoria Theatre on Sunday night, a 'benefit' performance to the Gale family was held. Little Sadie delighted a fair house with her dancing. The films were of an interesting nature, particularly the dramatic one entitled 'Fatality.'
We extract the following from the 'Hints to Emigrants' by 'Marmaduke' in 'Vanity Fair': – America, the principal industries are patent medicines, politics, and the manufacture of cinematograph films.
Exchanges from Japan indicate that much excitement has been caused in the moving picture world by the action which the police authorities are taking against what they conceive to be exhibitions detrimental to the moral welfare of the public. The official ban appears to have fallen with…
The Victoria and Bijou Theatres continue to draw fair houses notwithstanding the hot weather. By special request, the dramatic pictures 'On the steps of the Throne' is being reproduced at Victoria on Wednesday. Another very good production is the Eclair film 'The Restitution.…
It is of course, hardly fair to blame the management of the boxing show at the Victoria Theatre on Monday that another pugilistic lemon made his debut, but Seaman Thompson's miserable showing might have been avoided if some system of official try-outs for aspirants for honours in the…
Fillm screening of 'Two Tiny Pickles'; 'A Picturesque Corner: France' and 'A Fair Saint' (in 2 parts); Screening of The Pathe's Gazette
The Bijou Theatre has some fine pictures on show at present, including 'A Fair Saint.' Miss Pucita Fuentee will have her debut on Wednesday night.
Last night's exhibition of talking pictures at the Theatre Royal by means of The Kinetophone, the latest Edison wonder, can be rated a fine success. The pictures were witnessed by a fairly large audience, but the advertising resulting from the pleased patrons of the first performance is…
The attendance at the Kinetophone entertainment at the Theatre Royal last night was fair and on the whole the show came up to expectations. Tonight being the last night those who have not attended previously should take this opportunity of enjoying Edison's latest invention.
The approaching majority of kinematography may well call for a brief review of the extraordinary growth of the industry since that eventful day in 1893 when at the World's Fair, Chicago, Thomas Edison's kinetoscope was introduced to an amazed public. Facts about the picture industry in…