A film of 6000 feet 'The Passion of Christ' would be shown, during the interval there would be performance from The Troupe of Miss Abdala with the assistance of La Belle Dora and Miss Flora
New sets of films including 'The Breton's Promise' [sic]. New films every second day. Two performances nightly. Schedule details included. Don't forget the address: Des Voeux Road (Pottinger Street Corner).
Special photoplays this week, 'Satan's Defeat' [sic] every evening at 6.15 p.m: from Robert le. Diable, a beautiful coloured art film, showing how Satan gets defeated and 'The Cross Triumphs'; 'The Storm,' 'Arresting the Thief,' 'Wiffles Sad…
The productions staged at the Victoria Theatre under the auspices of Hughes American Musical Comedy Company have convulsed large audience with laughter. 'Society' was presented last night. The performance was offered by Messrs Paul Stanhope and Bert Le Blane, Madame Pearl Lloyd and Mr…
Mr. Bob Stephenson's new programme at the Bijou is a remarkably attractive one. With the exception of the film 'The Fickle Maid,' which represents a tragedy of the Breton coast, all the pictures are full of rollicking fun. Miss Gladys and Miss Dellie Connor sang beautiful songs…
Screening of 'Greed for Gold' and 'Max Linder and the Telephone Lady'; Performance by Miss Gladys Spencer, Miss Ada Rowley and Miss Dolly Swift; 7.15 p.m. pictures only
The great dramatic picture, 'Greed for Gold,' the scream of laughter by Max Linder and the telephone lady; performances by Ada Rowley, Gladys Spencer, and Dolly Swift; coming: 'The Mysteries of Paris' (from the great work by Eugene Sue).
The Hughes Musical Comedy Company will have the opening performance 'The Grafters' at the Victoria Theatre tomorrow night. The actors and actress are Mr. Bert La Blane, Mr. Frank Vack, Mr. Dave Nowlin, Mr. Carlton Chase, Mr. Harry Burgess, Miss Gertrude St. Clair, Miss E. Le. Blane,…
The Hughes Comedy Company staged 'A Day at the Races' last night at the Victoria Theatre. Messrs. Frank Vack, Bert Le Blane, Carlton Chase, Dave Nowlin, Harry Burgess, Miss Teddy Martin, Miss Queen Herman, and Miss Gertrude St. Clair were in the show. It will be repeated tonight.
The Hughes Comedy Company again staged 'A Day at the Races' last night at the Victoria Theatre. Mr. Carlton Chase, Miss Eugenie Le. Blane, Miss Gertrude Sinclair [sic], Mr. Harry Burgess and Messrs. Vack and Le Blane all did well in their parts. Tonight, the company will present '…
The Hughes Comedy Company staged 'The Speculators' at Victoria Theatre. Messrs. Le Blane, F. Vack, and C. Chase, Mr. Reach and Miss Gertrude St. Clair did well in their parts.
The Hughes Comedy Company staged two short musical comedies at the Victoria Theatre last night. Messrs Le Blane, Vack, Burgess, Miss Gertrude St. Clair, Miss Teddy Martin and Miss Eugenie Le Blane did well in their parts. The songs and choruses were as good as ever.
The Hughes Comedy Company presented 'Spedelbounder's Dream' at the Victoria Theatre last night. Mr. Vack and Mr. Le Blane kept the audience in a good, steady laugh throughout and Miss Eugenie Le Blane, Miss St. Clair and Miss Martin were as entertaining as ever. Tonight, this will…
The Hughes Comedy Company presented 'Spedelbounder's Dream' at the Victoria Theatre last night. Mr. Bert Le Blane made a funny speech. Mr. Dave Nowlin made a hit with his song. Miss Gertrude St. Clair was good too. There'll be the chorus girls' contest tonight. One of…
Seven people were killed and 40 injured in an explosion at a cinematograph show in Montceau Le Neuf, France.
Miss Le Sage of the Dallas Musical Comedy Company, who was performing in Hongkong a few weeks ago, died in the Victoria Hospital at Tientsin.
The management of the Bijou Scenic Theatre has completed arrangements for showing the films of Dumas' well-known 'Le Chevalier de Maison Rouge.' The setting and costumes are Messrs. Pathe Freres' best.
Films screenings including 'Max the New Butler', 'Max Teaches the Tango', 'How Flowers Awaken', 'On the Coast of the Black Sea' and 'Strange Inhabitants of the Deep'; Screening of Pathe's International and Pathe's Cartoon; Coming film…
Special comic and interesting films, 'Max the New Butler,' 'Max Teachs the Tango,' 'How Flowers Awaken,' 'On the Coast of the Black Sea,' 'Strange Inhabitants of the Deep,' and Pathe's International & Pathe's Cartoon; the great…
How Flowers Awaken' screened at the Bijou is an extremely interesting film. Two other interesting films are 'Strange Inhabitants of the Deep' and 'On the Coast of the Black Sea.' Lovers of humour are well catered for by two playlets with the inimitable Max Linder in the…