Performances by Miss Rosa Barnes, Mr Harry Gray, Miss Malvena Moore, Mr John R. Reynolds, Miss Agnes Freed, Don Frances and Frank Frances, Madame Weber, Mr Tom Queen, Miss Marie Barton and Mr Joe Somers. The Biograph showing all the latest stirring scenes from South Africa during the War. Harry…
The Company have arrived by the S.S. 'Rosetta Maru' and will positively open on Thursday, 8th May, at the Theatre Royal. Performances by Miss Rosa Barners, Harry Gray, Malvena Moore, John R. Reynolds, Agnes Freed, Don Frances and Frank Frances, Madame Weber, Tom Queen, Marie Barton and…
The firm of Levy Hermoanos may be converted into a Company Ltd next year with 10 million francs. This firm had been extending to the East and opened 9 new branches. They are agents for the Richard Brasier motor-cars as well as for Pathe Freres Cinemagraphs and films. – 'Straits Times…
The Alexandra Cinematograph is advertised in our columns. It is to be located at No. 2, Zetland Street, the most central part of the city and opens on the 21st inst., with a series Pathe's films which have never been exhibited in Hongkong. As the proprietors are to be in constant receipt of…
To the Editor S. C. M. Post – Your excellent editorial note of today regarding cinematograph pictures deserves more than passing consideration. Apart altogether from the question as to whether such pictures are intended to educate or amuse the public, there remains the fact that they can be made…
Nearly 400 miles of cinematograph films have been accumulated for copyright purposes at the national library of France. The authorities are at a loss to know what to do with them.
A packed house witnessed the performance at the Bijou Theatre on Saturday evening. The films shown by the biorama were exceptionally good, and two especially were about the test we have seen in Hongkong. We refer to 'The Use of the Lasso on the Plains of Celebes' and the 'East of…
Tonight at the Victoria Theatre a magnificent film, which won the first prize of 25,000 francs at the recent cinematograph exhibition at Tuxin, is to be thrown on the screen. The picture is entitled 'After fifty years' or the 'Golden Wedding.'
The management of the Victoria Theatre is to be congratulated on their enterprise in obtaining such a remarkably fine film as 'Fifty Years Ago,' which was screened for the first time at the performance last night. The film, which is over 2,000 feet in length, won the grand prize of 25,…
Tonight's programme at the Bijou Theatre is one of special attraction, the art picture being 'The Martyrs,' a fine classic tragedy by Corneille, the Shakespeare of France. There is a burlesque by artistes Murray and Stephenson. A new and taking feature is the 'London Graphic…
A fine film entitled the 'Queen's Necklace,' which illustrates a chapter of French history, is to be shown at the Victoria Theatre tonight. The case of the diamond necklace was a historical scandal which took place about 1785, in the reign of the ill-fated Louis XVI and Marie…
Canton, September 8 – The Superintendent of Police has issued the following notice: I have received a despatch from the Commissioner of France requesting me to stop all cinematograph shows at different places on the expiration of the terms within which they are allowed to perform their shows,…
Pictures only at 7.15 p.m. by Pathe Freres (France), Britannia and Urban (England) and American Knietescope (U.S.A.), and musical interludes by select artistes
(Flower Street) Pictures only at 7:15 p.m. Performances of Pathe Freres (France), Britannia & Urban (England) and American Kinetoscope (U.S.A.). Pictures with interludes at 9:15 p.m. Complete change of programme. All new pictures on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Price details included.
Seven people were killed and 40 injured in an explosion at a cinematograph show in Montceau Le Neuf, France.
Canton, April 16 – Sometime ago the Commissioner of France sent each Magistrate 1000 premium Bond tickets to persuade people to investigate in them. The Commissioner proposed to have Messrs Liu Kun Ying and Li Fong Lau to lecture in theatres and cinematograph houses on the benefits of the…
The author of 'Quo Vadis' has sold the rights of reporting his works, on films to a European Syndicate for 1.25 billion francs, and a similar right to an American Company for a like sum.
Films screening of 'The Madme du Barr's Flirtation' (Pathe coloured picture), 'A Beast at Boy'(in 2 parts), 'Why wouldn't the Piano play', 'Diamond Cut Diamond', 'An Aeroplane Elopement', 'Stripes' and Panoramic '…
Programme: the beautiful dramatic film (Pathe Coloured picture); The Madame Du Barry's Flirtation in two parts; 'A Beast at Bay'; the comic pictures, 'Why Wouldn't the Piano Play,' 'Diamond Cut Diamond,' 'An Aeroplane Elopement,' and '…
Performance by The Raggedy Two, Carlyn Phillips and Violet Elbe; Films screening of 'Hero Worship', 'The Bath Chair', 'A Holiday Rambles in the Abruzzes' and 'A Face at the Window' and 'Grand Prix of the Automobile Club de France'; Screening of…