A History Of Film Exhibition And Reception In Colonial Hong Kong: 1897 To 1925
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Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1902-05-05 - 1902-05-07

Performances by Miss Rosa Barnes, Mr Harry Gray, Miss Malvena Moore, Mr John R. Reynolds, Miss Agnes Freed, Don Frances and Frank Frances, Madame Weber, Mr Tom Queen, Miss Marie Barton and Mr Joe Somers. The Biograph showing all the latest stirring scenes from South Africa during the War. Harry…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1902-05-05 - 1902-05-08

The Company have arrived by the S.S. 'Rosetta Maru' and will positively open on Thursday, 8th May, at the Theatre Royal. Performances by Miss Rosa Barners, Harry Gray, Malvena Moore, John R. Reynolds, Agnes Freed, Don Frances and Frank Frances, Madame Weber, Tom Queen, Marie Barton and…

Headline: To Let
Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1909-09-18 - 1909-10-14

On lease: 2, Zetland Street (formerly the Alexandra Cinema), suitable for showroom or godown; immediate possession

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1910-04-08 - 1910-04-08

Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Schedule details included. Debut of Miss Addie Leigh and Miss Winnie Ryan. Grand success of Miss Maggie Fraser and Little Percy. Magnificent films.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1910-04-09

Miss Addie Leigh made a great hit at the Empire Cinematograph Theatre on Friday evening on the occasion of her debut. Miss Winnie Ryan and Mr J. Terrars are performing tonight.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1910-04-09 - 1910-04-11

Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Schedule details included. Grand success of Miss Addie Leigh, Miss Winnie Ryan, Miss Maggie Fraser and Little Percy. Debut of Mr Jos Terrara on Monday. Magnificent films.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1910-04-11

The Empire Cinematograph Theatre maintains its reputation as a first-class music hall and every night the house is crowded. Performance by Miss Maggie Frazer, Miss Addie Leigh, Miss Winnie Ryan and Signor J. Tarrars.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1910-04-12 - 1910-04-12

Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Schedule details included. Grand success of Miss Addie Leigh, Miss Winnie Ryan, Miss Maggie Fraser and Little Percy. Mr Jos Terrara, a celebrated tenor. Magnificent films.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1910-04-13 - 1910-04-21

Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Schedule details included. Grand success of Miss Addie Leigh, Miss Winnie Ryan, Miss Maggie Fraser and Little Percy. Magnificent films. Grand matinees on Saturdays and Sundays at 4 p.m.

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1910-04-16

The Empire Cinematograph is drawing large audiences nightly. Performances by Miss Maggie Fraser, Signor Ferrara, Miss Addie Leigh, Little Winnie Ryan and Little Percy. Quite a new series of films was exhibited, one of which was exceedingly realistic. We refer to 'Nana's Mother,'…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1910-04-22 - 1910-04-28

Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Schedule details included. Grand success of Miss Addie Leigh, Miss Winnie Ryan, Miss Maggie Fraser and Little Percy. Tonight! Debut of the celebrated Hungarian violinist, Fekete.

Publication Date: 1910-04-29 - 1910-04-30

Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Schedule details included. Grand success of Miss Addie Leigh, Miss Winnie Ryan, Miss Maggie Fraser and Little Percy. Tonight! Debut of the celebrated Hungarian violinist, Fekete. Coming: Two eminent artistes, Jim…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1910-05-02 - 1910-05-03

Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Schedule details included. Grand success of Miss Addie Leigh, Miss Winnie Ryan, Miss Maggie Fraser and Little Percy, will remain until May 4. Coming: Two eminent artistes, Jim Harvey and Madge Morris.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1910-05-04 - 1910-05-07

Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Schedule details included. Tonight! Debut of Miss Kitty Delavale, serio and comic. Grand success of Miss Addie Leigh and Miss Winnie Ryan. Coming: Two eminent artistes, Jim Harvey and Madge Morris.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1910-05-05

Miss Kitty Delavale met a great reception at the Empire Cinematograph Theatre on Wednesday night when she made her first appearance after a most successful sojourn in Shanghai. The films were comical and very amusing. Miss Winnie Ryan and Miss Addie Leigh were very popular.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1910-05-09 - 1910-05-10

Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Schedule details included. Debut of Jim Harvey and Madge Morris tonight. Grand success of Miss Kitty Delavale, serio and comic. Grand success of Miss Addie Leigh and Miss Winnie Ryan.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1910-05-11 - 1910-05-16

Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Schedule details included. Grand success of Jim Harvey and Madge Morris. The celebrated Australian artistes, Miss Addie Leigh and Miss Winnie Ryan.

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1910-05-14

The fare provided at the Empire Theatre is attracting large houses, and with the advent of new artists there was every possibility of crowded audiences for some time. Miss Addie Leigh is as big a favourite as ever.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1910-05-17 - 1910-05-17

Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Schedule details included. Grand success of Jim Harvey and Madge Morris. The celebrated Australian artistes, Miss Addie Leigh and Miss Winnie Ryan. Coming: Miss Eva Hughes. No performance on Friday.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1910-05-25 - 1910-05-30

Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Schedule details included. Grand success of Miss Eva Hughes, Miss Addie Leigh, Miss Winnie Ryan, Miss Madge Morris and Mr Jim Harvey. Grand matinees on Saturdays and Sundays at 4 p.m. at reduced prices.