In very recent wars the motion-picture cameras have made their appearance. C. Fred Ackerman, with whom the writer tented in China, is undoubtedly the most successful of the war motion-picture operators. His first experience was in the Philippines, which photographed two men in the act of being…
There was a crowded audience at the Metropole Theatre on Saturday night. At one time, it seemed that the night would be wet, but the drizzling rain soon ceased and this encouraged the hesitating one. The performers met with a warm reception, their acting being well applauded. The author later…
The only Chinese actor in America appearing in an English speaking company is Ah Sam, who plays Sing Wing as William Collier's support in 'Caught in the Rain' at the Victoria theatre on Monday (says the 'Daily Colonist,' Vancouver). Ah Sam was born and raised in Hong…
Parisian Cinematograph Co. opened in the gardens of the Kowloon Hotel, at which place they are to render a series of open air entertainment through animated picture machine on Friday. It was very unlucky that the rain came down in torrents just a little before the time for starting.
(Wyndham Street, Up from the Clock Tower) In town. The Rain Bow Dance. Price and schedule details included. Novelty matinee on every Saturday at 4 o'clock.
Despite the heavy rain there was a very large attendance at the Empire Cinematograph Theatre on Tuesday evening principally by the magnificent film of the funeral of the late King Edward. At the conclusion several pictures of the Royal Family were shown. Miss Laura Diamond and Miss May Lewis…
The writer mentioned that the hopes of the public might be dashed if it rained too hard for the picture people to get films.
The Victoria Theatre is presenting a very fine programme just now and it is pleasing to see that the enterprise of Ramos and Ramos is meeting with ample reward in the form of good houses. The speciality this week is a two-part film entitled 'The Evil Fascination,' superbly acted, while…
Messrs. Ramos and Ramos presented a very fine programme at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday. The feature of this week's pictures is a two-part film. 'The Evil Fascination.' Fred Graham and Nellie Dent in a one-set comedy kept the house in roars of laughter during their performance…
The pictures at the Victoria Theatre are well worth seeing this week. The long film 'For a Crown' is full of dramatic power. Fred Graham and Nellie Dent kept the house laughing with their burlesque.
A bazaar and fancy fete will be held on Saturday, October 19th, from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m by kind permission of Commandant and Officers Hongkong Volunteer Corps. Children's play, 'Snowwhite and the 7 Little Dwarfs,' at 3:30 p.m. Cinematograph Entertainment at 6 p.m. The bazaar will be…
Mr. Fred B. Smith and Mr. Raymond Robins are on a world tour in a 'men and religion forward movement' and visit YMCA. They have a meeting in the City Hall and accompanied by the Messrs. Paul J. Gilbert, P.H. Metcalf, C.M. Keeler and Ed. W. Peck. Raymond Robins dealt with the social…
London, March 25 – A message from Ohama gives the following casualties as the result of the Tornado: 140 deaths, 350 houses destroyed and 1250 house damaged. 30 audiences were buried at the ruins of a cinematograph theatre. The damage is mainly at the residential section and suburbs. Four…
London, July 8 – Fred Welsh beat Willie Ritchie for the lightweight championship at the Olympia and two thousand ladies were amongst the spectators at the Olympia. The contest was staged by Mr. C. B. Cochran, and Ritchie refused to sign articles unless he received £10,000 (win, lose or draw) and…
An exceptional theatrical agreement has been concluded by Mr. George Tyler, the American Theatrical manager, of the firm of Leibler and Company, New York. He has secured the exclusive services for a long term of years, both for America and for England, of Miss Phyllis Neilson Terry, the daughter…
Films screenings including 'The Advertising Actress', 'The Receiving Cashier', 'The Escape', 'Under the Spell' , 'Mosquitoes and Musketeers' and 'Refuge from the Rain'; Coming film: 'Dungeon of Despair' (4 parts, 7,000 ft)
The Advertising Actress' - comedy; 'The Receiving Cashier' - drama; 'The Escape' - comedy; 'Under the Spell' - great comic; 'Mosquitoes and Musketeers' - great comic; 'Refuge from the Rain' - great comic; 'Dungeon of Despair' in 4…
Kowloon is to have the novelty of a roofless theatre. Work has been in progress but was hindered by heavy rains. It will be a picture theatre showing films and being exposed to the harbour breezes. It is to be known as The Palisade, on the vacant ground alongside the Kowloon Post Office. The…
The management of the Palisade will welcome free of charge all patrons who were compelled to leave the Palisade on Saturday night on account of the rain. The Band will again be in attendance tonight and the programme will include the great mystery film 'The Black Box.'
On Saturday night, the Palisade offered one of its especially good programmes, but unfortunately the rain entered with proceedings and the spectators were obliged to seek shelter. We are asked by the management to announce that it will welcome, free of charge, all patrons who were compelled to…