Cinematograph Pathe will open for the season in Weismann's Large Hall (entrance: Wyndham Street) tonight at 9 p.m. Performances every night, including Sundays. Entire change of programme on Saturday night, films including 'Cinderella and the Glass Slipper,' 'Hooligans of the…
Cinematograph Pathe opened for the season; Film screening of 'Cinderella and the Glass Slipper'; Electric fans are provided, price details included
Cinematograph Pathe opened for the season; Film screening of 'Cinderella and the Glass Slipper', matinee at 4 o'clock; Electric fans are provided; Children half price
Cinematograph Pathe opened for the season; Film screening of 'Cinderella and the Glass Slipper'; Electric fans are provided; Children half price, price details included
Grand opening night for a few nights only. Sensational novelties including bare foot dancing on glasses by Professor Vicente Kemppo
For a few nights only. Sensational novelties including bare foot dancing on glasses by Professor Vicente Kemppo
The big turn at the Hongkong Cinematograph is Professor Vicente Kemppo [sic], who entertains his audience by chewing glass lamp chimneys, and grinding broken glasses with his bareback. A liberal programme of interesting pictures is shown, but the enjoyment is somewhat detracted from by the…
The coolest hall in town; 2 performances daily: 7.15 p.m. pictures only, 9.15 p.m. full programme; matinees: Saturdays at 4.30 p.m., Sundays at 6.00 p.m.; from Friday, August 9, the grand film of 4,500 feet, 'The Mystery of the Glass Coffin'; great success with performance by Addio…
The great dramatic picture 'A Living Statue' for a few nights only; Performer: Miss Addie Leigh; Coming: 'White Star Liner S.S. Titanic Disaster', 'The Myster of the Glass Coffin'
An Ealing family of robins, composed of stray fragments of gaudily coloured theatrical garments, situated in the glass-covered theatre of a large cinematograph film-producing company's works, have now finally left their nest after witnessing, undismayed, thrilling episodes.
Performance by The Raggedy Two, Carlyn Phillips and Violet Eble; Films screening of 'A Change of Faith', 'The Looking Glass Man', 'The Singer' and 'Battle of Bregalnitza'; Screening of Pathe Gazette
Performance by The Raggedy Two, Carlyn Phillips and Violet Eble; Films screening of 'A Change of Faith', 'The Looking Glass Man', 'The Singer' and 'Battle of Bregalnitza'; Screening of Pathe Gazette; Coming film: 'Her Dreadful Secret'
Tonight, the sensational comedy 'A Four Handed Game' - length 2,000 feet; the laughable film, 'Wiffles the Looking-Glass Man'; 'His Forgotten Keys'; 'Jim's Dusky Sweetheart'; and Pathe's Cartoon & American Gazette; a great sensational and…
The list of films including Pathe's Animated Cartoons and American Gazette, and a beautiful series illustrative of water bird life; and three excellent comics 'Jim's Dusky Sweetheart,' 'A Four-handed Game,' a new Wiffles story, and 'The Looking Glass Man'…
The progress made in the character of subjects presented in the movies today, makes desirable for all inquiring people to at least attend occasionally. Annoying after-effects on the eyes prevent people from enjoying the social diversion and often the educational advantages. Those who suffer from…
During the year 1915, there has been a distinct falling off regarding Patents applied for in the United Kingdom. There is an invention of Penny-in-the-Slot device for hiring out Opera Glasses, specially devised for Picture Palaces and the cheaper seats of Music Halls and Theatres.
Screening of 'Alsace', adapted from the play by Gaston Leroux and Lucien Camille, featuring Madame Rejane, also Comic films and Gazettes
The article mentioned that they are told that, in Brussels, the cafes and cinemas were crowded during the winter, but they are not told that, owing to the price of coal, it is cheaper to buy a glass of beer or a cinema ticket than to remain at home.
A large audience at the Victoria Theatre last night, was treated to a queer display by the 'mystery man,' Mr. V. Gramby, whose act with cutlery and broken glass baffled all; his display of strength with a weight block of granite was well applauded.
And your eyes get tired, you should be fitted with accurate glasses for your eyes' sake. N, Lazarus, ophthalmic optician. 28, Queen's Road Central, Hongkong.