September 2nd, 3rd and 4th, Geraldine O'Brien in 'A Woman's Fight.' Also American Gazette No. 77, 'The Reformers,' etc. Booking at Anderson's.
All good sports love a scrapper! Geraldine O'Brien featured in 'A Woman's Fight,' a Pathe Gold Rooster play. She fills the bill. Picture included.
September 2-4. Geraldine O'Brien in 'A Woman's Fight.' American Gazette No. 77. 'The Reformers.'
There is a special attraction offering at the Victoria Theatre tonight, in the Pathe Gold Rooster film, 'A Woman's Fight.' Miss Geraldine O' Brien is the star actress. There are other films to be shown as well, while the Manchester Orchestra will supply the music.
The large audiences which assembled at the Victoria Theatre last night thoroughly enjoyed the admirably varied programme submitted. The main feature was the five-part film, 'A Woman's Fight,' in which the leading character was portrayed by Miss Geraldine O' Brien. Other…
A Woman's Fight' featuring Geraldine O'Brien was screening at the Victoria Theatre. Film synopsis included.
February 1, 2, 3 and 4, showing a special Paramount feature in 6 parts, 'Temptation,' featuring the famous opera star Geraldina [sic] Farrar. Also, Gazette and Comics. Monday February 3, matinee at 5 p.m., showing 'Quo Vadis,' a drama in 7 parts. Tuesday February 4, matinee…
1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th February, showing a special Paramount feature in 6 parts, 'Temptation,' featuring the famous opera star Geraldine Farrar, including Gazette and comics. Monday 3rd, matinee at 5 p.m., showing 'Quo Vadis' drama in 7 parts. Tuesday 4th, matinee at 5.15 p.m…
Tonight, showing a special Paramount feature in 6 parts, 'Temptation,' featuring the famous opera star Geraldine Farrar, including Gazette and comics. Today (Tuesday) 4th, matinee at 5.15 p.m., showing 'A Wife's Sacrifice,' drama in 5 parts.
Commencing tomorrow night, Charlie Chaplin in 'Sunnyside.' October 18 remarks: Booking at Anderson's. Matinee: Final episode of 'The Lightning Raider' and Geraldine O'Brien in 'Woman's Fight.' October 20 and 21 remarks: Harold Lloyd in 'Spring…
Saturday and Sunday at 9.15 p.m., a grand comedy night, Charlie Chaplin in his third million-dollar comedy, 'Sunnyside.' Prices: $1.50, $1.00 and 70 cents. Booking at Anderson's. Today's matinee at 2.15 and 5 p.m., final episode of 'The Lightning Raider.' Sunday…
Saturday and Sunday 9.15 p.m., a grand comedy night, Charlie Chaplin in 'Sunnyside.' Prices: $1.50, $1.00 and 70 cents. Booking at Anderson's. October 18 Remarks: Today's matinee, 3.15 and 5 p.m., final episode of 'The Lightning Raider.' Sunday's matinee, Miss…
Tonight at 9.15 p.m., the Bell's Vaudeville. Also Irene Castle in 'The Girl from Bohemia,' in five intense parts. Matinee today at 5.15 p.m., Geraldine O'Brien and Thurlow Bergen in 'A Woman's Flight.'
Tonight at 9.15 p.m., 'The Bell's Vaudeville,' also Irene Castle in 'The Girl from Bohemia' in 5 parts. February 17 Remarks: Matinee today at 5.15 p.m., Geraldine O'Brien and Thurlow Bergen in 'A Woman's Fight.'
One after another all the world's greatest photoplays, now showing 'Lord and Lady Algy.' Next change, Geraldine Farrar in 'Shadows.'
Super season. Now showing 'Lord and Lady Algy.' Next change, Geraldine Farrar in 'Shadows.' April 6 and 7 remarks: 'It's a Hard Life,' British Gazette, final episode of 'The Circus King.'
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., the second big picture, the world-famous operatic star, Geraldine Farrar in 'Shadows,' the tale of a woman at bay and of the man who paid the price. You've heard her on the Victor. See her on the screen. Super production prices. April 8 Remarks: Film…
You've heard her on the Victor, see her on the screen, Geraldine Farrar, the world-famous operatic star in Goldwyn's gorgeous photoplay, 'Shadows,' a drama of Eastern days and Alaskan nights in 6 parts. Also another first-rate ‘Snub' comedy, 'Looking for Trouble…
Geraldine Farrar in Goldwyn's photoplay 'Shadows.' A drama of Eastern days and Alaskan nights in 6 parts. Another first-rate Snub comedy, 'Looking for Trouble' and Pathe news.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Geraldine Farrar in 'Shadows.' April 8 Remarks: On page 5, another ad. on 'Shadows,' also ‘Snub' Comedy, 'Looking for Trouble' and Pathe News. Super-production prices.