The popular Bijou, which is now one of the established places of amusement in Hongkong, had another crowded house on Saturday. The pictures have always been kept up to the standard, and the latest, one of Pathe's coloured productions entitled 'The Gipsy's Jealousy,' being…
Films screening of 'Chains' (4 parts); Coming film: 'Gipsy's Kin'
The sensational dramas 'Gipsy Blood' and 'John Sterling, Alderman' on Tuesday, 22nd December. Various interesting films and comics are included. Performances by Bert Flatt and Flo Brooks. Grand X'mas tree matinee at 4 p.m. on Thursday, 24th December. Matinees on Friday,…
On Dec 22, the sensational dramas 'Gipsy Blood' and 'John Sterling, Alderman'; also comic interesting & industrial films; performance by Flatt & Brooks; On Dec 24, the Grand Xmas Tree Matinee; Look out for 'Bell of Rheims.'
Films screenings including 'Gipsy Blood' and 'John Sterling, Alderman'; Performances by Flatt and Brooks; Coming film: 'Bell of Rheims'
Films screenings including 'Gipsy Blood' and 'John Sterling, Alderman'; Performances by Flatt and Brooks; Coming film: 'Bell of Rheims'
On Jan 22, the all powerful & dramatic picture 'Blind Love' in 4 parts - 4,000 feet long, showing a gipsy girl's devotion to a blind man; also new comic, historical & interesting films.
On Mar 18, 1st series of the daring and sensational feature 'The Extraordinary Adventures' [sic] in 4 parts; 'Saturnin Farandoul' from the celebrated Italian novel of A. Robida; also the magnificent drama 'The Gipsy's Daughter' in 3 parts.
Commencing Saturday, 13th Oct.: Showing of 'The Purple Mask' (3rd & 4th episodes) and Keystone Comics; Coming film: 'Gipsy's Love'
Tonight: Showing of 'The Purple Mask' (3rd & 4th episodes) and Keystone Comics; Coming film: 'Gipsy's Love'
Screening of 'Gipsy's Love' and Keystone Comics for 2 days; Coming film: 'The Purple Mask'
Screening of 'Gipsy's Love' and Keystone Comics; Coming film: 'The Purple Mask'
Tonight: Showing of 'Gipsy's Love' and Keystone Comics; Coming film: 'The Purple Mask'
Screening of 'The Purple Mask' (11th & 12th episodes) and Comics; Coming film: 'Gipsy's Love'
Tonight: Screening of 'The Purple Mask' (11th & 12th episodes) and Comics; Coming film: 'Gipsy's Love'
Nazimova, the celebrated star, plays the role of a gipsy princess with the fiery, untrammelled nature of that picturesque race, in 'Toys of Fate.' It will be offered on the screen at the Coronet Theatre tonight. Film plot included.