The Ginks' opened a bright season at the Victoria Theatre last night and delighted all who witnessed their program. Mr. Billy Watson, Miss Violet Harley, and Miss Jeanie James all gave attractive performances. In connection with 'The Ginks,' there were some cinematograph films,…
The performance of the Ginks at the Victoria Theatre was very good. Miss Violet Harley and Billy Weston became an instant favourite. The clever fooling of Sylvesters in their Military duet also gained hearty appreciation and the two episodes of 'Judex?' [sic] increased the interest.…
3 nights only, commencing Monday, May 5th, a splendid Pathe Gold Rooster play, Helene Chadwick and Antonio Moreno in 'The Angel Factory.' Also a Toto comedy entitled 'Do Husbands Deceive?' Matinee, Thursday. May 8th at 5.15 p.m., 'A Daughter of the Jungles'…
Tonight, our new vaudeville artist, Billy and Doris Harley have everything and they are young and good to look at.
3 nights only, a Splendid Pathe Gold Rooster Play. Helene Chadwick and Antonio Moreno in 'The Angel Factory.' Also a Toto comedy entitled 'Do Husbands Deceive?' Billy and Doris Harley: the Anglo-American entertainers. 'A Daughter of the Jungles' featuring Wellington…
Performances of Billy & Doris Harley at the Victoria Theatre tonight.
Described as 'England's Representative Musical Comedy and Dancing Actors' Billy and Doris Harley, who open at the Victoria Theatre tonight, certainly appear to act up to their name judging from the way that they have just recently taken Manila by storm. Their acting is clean and…
Tonight, our new vaudeville artistes, Billy and Doris Harley have everything: class, snap, grace, and they are young and good to look at.
3 nights only, commencing Monday, May 5th, a splendid Pathe Gold Booster play, Helene Chadwick and Antonio Moreno in 'The Angel Factory.' Also, a Toto Comedy entitled 'Do Husband Deceive.' This comedy is fully guaranteed for laughs, no matter if the temperature is 100 in the…
Tonight, our new vaudeville artistes, Billy and Doris Harley.
House Peters in 'The Hand of Peril' in 5 parts and various comics. Matinee, 'Just Jim' featuring Harley [sic] D. Carey. Ruth Roland in a Pathe cyclonic serial 'Hands Up.' Booking at Anderson's.
Special children's matinee of 'King Lear' and 'The Tiger Woman.' September 24 remarks: Billy and Doris Harley in all their latest songs and dances. Theda Bara in 'The Tiger Woman. ' Booking at Robinson's.
Tonight and tomorrow, for two nights only at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., expensive and exclusive engagement of Billy and Doris Harley, presenting the refined side of singing and dancing, after a record-breaking 16 weeks engagement in Manila. No increase in prices.
Billy and Doris Harley, the smartest English song and dance artistes ever seen in the Far East. Booking at Robinson's.
With characteristic enterprise the management of the popular Coronet Theatre has secured a couple of artists who have made their name the synonym of bright and enjoyable amusement throughout the East: Billy and Doris Harley.
Tonight and tomorrow, September 23 and 24, for two nights only at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., exclusive and expensive engagement of 'Billy and Doris Harley,' the smartest English song and dance artists ever seen in the Far East. Usual prices. Booking at Robinson's.
Billy and Doris Harley. Also 'The Tiger Woman.'
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Billy and Doris Harley in all their latest songs and dances. Also Theda Bara in 'The Tiger Woman.' Usual prices. Booking at Robinson's.
Those who have not seen 'The Tiger Woman,' now being screened at the Coronet Theatre, should decide without further delay to witness it. It is a really magnificent film, quite in line with the high standard set by the Coronet management. Billy and Doris Harley are also very pleasing in…
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Billy and Doris Harley in all their latest songs and dances. Theda Bara in 'The Tiger Woman.' Usual prices. Booking at Robinson's.