The show of 'moving pictures' at the City Hall on Saturday night drew a fairly large and appreciative audience, and the leading 'actors' in the Britt Nelson night weight contest. The pictures are clear and steady, and certainly make up a unique performance which will attract…
Tonight at the Salon Cinema-Theatre, Billy Bellew, champion welter-weight pugilist will give an exhibition of expert bag-punching. This evening there will be a benefit performance by Ruby Chrystal.
On July 4th 30,000 people will pay 150,000 pounds to watch the fight between Jeffries and Johnson for the heavy-weight championship of the world. Thirty million citizens of the United States will 'follow the fight' in the newspapers, and afterwards pay anything up to 5s a head to see…
London, June 16 – There is great consternation in sporting circles over the attitude of the authorities in regard to the Jeffries-Johnson fight for the heavy-weight world's championship. For the moving pictures privileges alone, the sum of £30,000 has been fetched, but this is nothing…
The financial inducements that brought together Jim Jeffries and Jack Johnson, for the heavy-weight prize fighting championship, showed a new high record, probably for any kind of sporting event in the history of the world. The most valuable return was expected from the moving pictures of the…
James J. Corbett, the ex-champion heavy-weight pugilist, explained that probably the reader would be able to see Jeffries' legs shaking in the moving pictures.
Exchanges from Japan indicate that much excitement has been caused in the moving picture world by the action which the police authorities are taking against what they conceive to be exhibitions detrimental to the moral welfare of the public. The official ban appears to have fallen with…
Tonight, Friday, June 20th, complimentary benefit tendered Col. Bob Love, a monster programme, wild west stunts, human weight lifting; performances by Moore and the professor of the Victoria Theatre; matinees and price details included. Box plan at Robinson Piano Co., Ltd.
Mr. F. E. Hall has arranged a boxing contest for the heavyweight Championship for the Victoria Theatre on Monday night. The evening's entertainment will be diversified by a new 3000 ft. film showing the contest for the light-weight championship of the world between Ad. Wolgast and Joe…
The film of the Wolgast-Rivers fight for the championship of the world was produced at enormous expense, as a bonus of considerable amount had to be paid to the contestants. But some States passed laws prohibiting the exhibition of boxing films, and the enterprise of the photographers resulted…
Last night at the Victoria, Miguel Scherbellis' weight-lifting performance was very attractive. Before the performance opened, a member of the audience came on to the stage and offered to back himself to the extent of five hundred dollars gold in a wrestling match, catch-as-catch against…
17th and 18th episodes of 'The Fatal Ring,' 'The Death Weight' and 'The Subterfuge'; Stop! Luke! Listen!; Pathe's British Gazette No. 44; Annals of the War No. 22.
A large audience at the Victoria Theatre last night, was treated to a queer display by the 'mystery man,' Mr. V. Gramby, whose act with cutlery and broken glass baffled all; his display of strength with a weight block of granite was well applauded.
The cinema halls at Isezakicho, Yokohama each drew a full house on the 15th of June. The wrestling amphitheatre, which was converted into a cinema hall, was packed like sardines with about four thousand visitors. At 3.30 p.m. the first-floor gallery and the third-floor gallery suddenly gave way…
Jack Dempsey (the world's champion heavy weight boxer) in a Pathe serial, 'Daredevil Jack,' the principal attraction tonight at the Woping Theatre, which starts its career today as an up-to-date picture house under the management of H. W. Ray. The theatre is the largest in town--…
Jack Johnson, former world's heavy-weight champion, is to enter the movies. Arrangements have been completed for a five-reel comedy-drama feature on Johnson's life.
Bring your own iron rail with you is an invitation that Peter the Great, world's champion strong man, can safely issue, for as he will show in the Star Theatre tomorrow. Indeed so well does Peter know his own strength that he offers $1,000 reward to anyone who can beat him. He holds the…