Professor Maurice Charvet, who arrived by the French mail steamer to Hongkong from Paris to exhibit 'Cinematograph' and the 'Kinetoscope' the twin marvels of the age. These have never been shown in Hongkong or the Far East before. The pictures exhibited are 'Loie Fuller…
Last night, Professor Charver gave a luminary exhibition of the latest invention in phantasmagoria in St. Andrew's Hall to a select party of press representatives and other gentlemen. There is a description of the screening of Cinematograph: a long strip of photographic film is wound from…
The latest improved projecting machine in which the vibration so noticeable and trying to the eyes is now entirely eliminated. Views of the Queen's Jubilee in London will be the special feature of the Entertainment. The following scenes will be shown: A dispute between Bicyclists; The…
The Cinematograph for one night only. The latest improved projecting Machine in which the vibration so noticeable and trying to the eyes is now entirely eliminated. Views of the Queen's Jubilee in London will be the special feature of the Entertainment. The following scenes will be shown: A…
See the Biograph: Presenting the moving pictures of the Dreyfus Trial, scenes included: The Court-martial at Rennes, The Deposition of General Mercier, The Fight between the Journalists, Dreyfus in Irons at Devil's Island, Suicide of Colonel Henry, The Attempt Against Maitre Laborie,…
On Monday the 'Napoleon of the world's magicians' arrives in the Colony and will stay one week. This magician is from England and had made various performance before the Kings and presidents. His first part of the program is called 'creation and the second part will have a…
The writer congrats Mr. Thurston, assisted by Winfield Blacke and Miss Maude Amber, on filling the theatre Royal on Saturday evening. He filled the theatre 'as we have never seen it filled before,' entertained the audience for 2.5 hours. The magician's card trick is wonderful, and…
A crowded house patronised the Great Thurston on Saturday evening and was as mystified as ever Thurston alone was well worth the money, but mention must also be made of the clever vocal comedy of Miss Maud Amber and Mr. Winfield Blake, not to mention the roaring laughter created by the moving…
The announcement made that the French cinematograph on view at Singapore has street scenes of Cairo, London, Hong Kong, Canton, and other places.
Cinematograph people have received a consignment of films by the French Mail, which shown for the first time in Hong Kong at Weismann's hall, Wyndham Street. One of the films is over 1300 feet long and the price of admission was fifty cents and a dollar. Every two or three nights the…
Tonight! News pictures just arrived by the French mail. Matinee, 4 p.m. Saturday. Performances every night at 9 p.m. including Sundays.
The Hong Kong cinematograph proprietor has secured a number of new films lately, and to add to the attractions of the place in Dex Voeux Road three lady artistes favour with songs-French and English. The pictures are varied and excellent.
The Hongkong Cinematograph continues to draw large houses and a number of new films were shown last night, one of which was extremely amusing. The entertainment also included three vocalists, two of whom sing in French.
Performance from the Madam Abdala's Troupe; New films arrived by the French Mail; Three Prizes in the Shape of Watches given away nightly
Performance from the Madam Abdala's Troupe; New films arrived by the French Mail; Three Prizes in the Shape of Watches given away nightly
Performance from the Madam Abdala's Troupe; New films arrived by the French Mail; Three Prizes in the Shape of Watches given away nightly
Performance from the Madam Abdala's Troupe; New films arrived by the French Mail; Three Prizes in the Shape of Watches given away nightly
Performance from the Madam Abdala's Troupe; New films arrived by the French Mail; Three Prizes in the Shape of Watches given away nightly
Performance from the Madam Abdala's Troupe; New films arrived by the French Mail; Three Prizes in the Shape of Watches given away nightly
Performance from the Madam Abdala's Troupe; New films arrived by the French Mail; Three Prizes in the Shape of Watches given away nightly